Oh and not only does Kelley have a new book out but she has revamped her website! So make sure you take a look at her gorgeous new site after reading the interview and entering the contest. Kelley is giving away a couple of books and I know you want them!!!
Kelley - Very carefully! I like being busy, but sometimes lately it’s gotten busier than I like and I know I need to ease back. I have a general writing schedule plus daily schedules to keep me on track.
Amber - Now I my favourite series is The Women of the Otherworld. Is there anything you can tell us about Waking the Witch without giving too much away?
Amber - I thoroughly enjoyed Tales of the Otherworld. Will there be more short stories released in book form in the future?
Kelley – Tales and Men went through most of the stories I’ve piled up over the years, so there’s nothing new planned for a while. I need to write more first!
Amber - I don't want The Women of the Otherworld to come to an end. Do you actually see an end in sight? How many more books do you want to write in the series?
Amber - Your Darkest Powers books were great reads. Will we ever see these characters again? Will you start another series in the same world?
Kelley - I’m contracted for three more YA books after that. They take place in the same universe, with another group of Edison Group test subjects. So I’m doing something similar to what I do in my adult books by changing narrators and main characters, with the possibility of bringing back the original ones later if that’s what readers want.
Kelley – I just finished a book, so I’m in that “between-novels” time when I get everything else tidied up: short stories, guest blogs etc that I’ve promised in the last 6 months. I’m also working on an original graphic novella, starring Elena and Clay, with Dabel Brothers and Dynamite Entertainment.
Amber - How long on average does it take you to write a book? Do you have a process you follow? or do you just start at page one and see what happens?
Kelley - My process is constantly evolving. I've discovered I work best from an outline. My finished novel never completely follows the outline though. Better ideas arise during the first draft and I follow them wherever they lead. The first draft is a very intense process for me, and I’m writing very quickly, so it’s usually done in 3-4 months. When the first draft is finished, I ease back into a more relaxed editing mode.
Kelley - I go through list after list of names to come up with ones that fit the characters. The final choice is based on a combination of experience, such as “have I ever known someone with that name?” and a general feel of the name. I also have to be careful not to have major characters in the same book with similar sounding names (same first letter, rhyming etc)
Amber - How much say do you have in the publishing of your books? Do you get to pick the covers? Decide when they are released? etc
Amber - There has been quite a lot of Paranormal TV series and Films to hit the screens lately. Why do you think that is? Would you like to see and of your characters come to life in the same way?
Kelley – I have no idea! Something hits like Twilight or True Blood, and suddenly paranormal is very popular. While it would be nice to see a movie/TV version of my work, I’m not expecting it anytime soon!
Amber - What have you been reading and watching lately? Do you have any recommendations for us?
Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you be and why?
Kelley - I would love to be a werewolf. What better thrill than to experience life in a different form? The secondary characteristics would be cool, too, but those "extras" also make it hard for werewolves to blend, so if I was being very practical, I'd go with spell-casters. Their powers take work to learn, but overall they have fewer drawbacks.
Amber - Thank you for stopping by again! I hope you will come back again in the future!
Contest Time
Kelley is being very generous and is giving away TWO copies of Waking the Witch! So that means TWO lucky people will get a copy of the newest installment from Kelley herself!
How To Enter
What is your favourite Kelley Armstrong book and why?
No Book = No Entry
Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
Advertise Amberkatze's Book Blog on your site and get an extra entry for this and every other contest!
You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.
Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.
Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com links/Banners below and around the site!
The contest will stay open until Sunday 1st of August 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
My favorite was Haunted (that was the one narrated by Eve, right? If I'm wrong, then it was Eve's book.) Eve is one of my most favorite characters that I've ever read. I love how over the arc of the books she went from villain, to maybe misunderstood, to redeemed. Not that she's without flaws, but seeing her motivations and dilemnas unfold, as well as her relationship (and sacrifices made for) her daughter made for great reading.
shared this on fb- http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/profile.php?id=1625972197&v=wall&story_fbid=135009856534940&ref=mf
and twitter- http://twitter.com/bcardoo79/status/19517999493
My fav book by far is the first one, Bitten, it just had me reading for hours without eating or even moving from my uncomfortable chair, but I was hooked
blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com
I have two favorites: DIMESTORE MAGIC, it was my foray into Kelley's Otherworld.
BITTEN is my favorite as it is the introduction of Elena, my favorite charactr, I think.
I'm going to choose Bitten as my favorite book so far because it's a wonderful story and I enjoy werewolves.
I'd have to say Stolen was my favorite so far.You got to really see how strong Elena is and getting herself and others out of the situation,we got to meet new characters and learn a little about one of the organizations.Is has more action and suspense then the other books I've read so far.
tweeted http://twitter.com/elaing8/status/19523462599po
I really liked Dime Store Magic. I love the family Paige, Lucas, and Savannah become through this book.
I have two favorites Dime store magic I loved meeting paige lucas and leah and continuing their story in Industrial magic.Ive read almost all of Kelleys books and they are all great .
wanda f
It's hard to pick just one! I've really enjoyed all the Kelley Armstrong books I've read. If I have to choose just one, I'd say Bitten because it introduced me to some amazing and unforgettable characters.
chey127 at hotmail dot com
My favorite one will always be my first Bitten. love this series and I also really like her YA series. My youngest boy is keeps asking for the next one in that series lol. I've created another monster just like me.
shoot hit enter too soon I tweeted at
and posted on my sidebar @ www.bookcrazyscrapbookmama.blogspot.com
My favorite book is Bitten because it's the first in the Women of the Otherworld series, the first book I read by this author, and I just love Elena and Clay.
Oooo, it's hard to pick just one. I have several favorites. But I'm going to go with Men of the Otherworld just because it contains my favorite short story, Savage. It's about how Clay was bit and his childhood. It's so funny reading from Clay's POV.
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
My favourite was Bitten purely because it was my first and introduction to Kelley.
Ooh, what a great giveaway!
My favorite Kelley Armstrong is probably Dime Store Magic. Not only was it the first book of hers I read, it was one of the first books of modern urban fantasy I read!
Thanks for the great contest!
Although Bitten was the book that got me addicted to the Otherworld, as of course you have to start at the beginning but my favourite is Men of the Otherworld. I loved reading more about Clay and Jeremy - the 2 hottest werewolves around! The book was funny and I couldn't put it down. I am addicted - more please xx
I have never read any of Kelley Armstrong's books but I am very interested in them. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
I still love Bitten the most...I love Clay and my favorites always feature the werewolves.
My favorite book was Bitten - I read it, I loved it and I get hooked! all started with Bitten and now all her books are keepers for me :)
greetings, Ina
inale87 at gmx dot at
So far I think my favorite is Frostbitten.
Thanks for the great interview Kelley
My favorite book was Dime Store Magic. I just love Lucas! He is my favorite character in the series. His family drama is just crazy and I really feel for him!
Twitter: http://twitter.com/MyWorldofBooks/status/19572194530
myworldofbooks {at} gmail {dom} com
My favorite book was "Dime Store Magic" because I loved seeing everything from Paige's point of view and getting to know Savannah better as she was my favorite supporting character in "Stolen".
My favorite book is The Summoning because it introduces us to Chloe and Derek and the rest of the gang.
I tweeted:
treerose AT yahoo DOT com
My favourite is still Dime Store Magic-since it was the first one I ever read. Of course, Savannah is one of my favourite characters but as I've become immersed in the series, Elena takes the number one spot. I still love everything Kelley has ever written-including the YA series. She is an inspiration to me as a writer. Someday I hope to have a quarter of her following!
I love all of the WotO books but especially Elena's books. I think Frostbitten is my favorite. I really love having the wolves out in their element and they make some interesting new friends.
My favorite book has always been Bitten. I read the series in order and I fell in love with Elena and Clay and Jeremy in that one. I enjoy all the books (all three series), but the wolves have always been my favorites. No Humans Involved is a close second to Bitten, though. Looking forward to WtW!
My favourite is Dime Store Magic. I was very worried that the change in narrator would ruin the series for me, but it showed me what a good writer Kelley really is. Every narrator is at least as good as the last, and I can't wait to read Savannah's stories.
And I've also retweeted Kelley's post about the contest, so +1 entry please?
Bitten. I remember picking up the very plain-covered Canadian version and thinking 'well, let's see if this is any good.' Sure shouldn't judge a book by its cover because it blew me away. I was hooked by the end of chapter one. I don't think I put it down. I just remember coming to end and feeling heartbroken... because it meant I had to stop reading and wait for the next book. Only the best books make you surge to the end and then feel so bereft that it is over.
My favorite book in the series was Frostbitten, because I love all of the Elena books but she really grew more in Frostbitten than in the other books with her having to face leaving her kids for so long and dealing with issues from her past, plus new challenges. Also, I love the fact that the book took place in Alaska!
I really love this series. Armstrong writes so many unique and interesting characters. Elena Michaels tops my list of UF heroines, so I'm partial to the books that feature her as a main character. My favorite? Bitten, the book that started it all.
I find it hard to choose just one as a favourite so I've narrowed it down to four! Dime Store Magic because I love Paige and Lucas and this book introduces Lucas and charts how their relatinship starts and progresses while they fight to keep Savannah with Paige, I love Broken cause that's when the twins are introduced and I love how Elena finds out she's pregnant and how it progresses as they fight off a supernatural threat, No Human's Involved because it's Jamie's first proper outing as a main character and narrator and the book in which her and Jeremey get together and finally Frostbitten because it shows a real turning point in Clay and Elena's relationship and in the Packs future, in that we learn Jeremey's future successor and the pack finally begins to grow to what it was in bitten with two potential new recruits!
My fav. Kelley Book is a toss up between No Humans Involved ( I LOVE Jaime) and Bitten. I enjoy Bitten because of the story between Clay and Elena and I love No Humans Involved because of the relationship between Jaime and Jeremy! But I've never read a bad Kelley book!
My favorite is No Humans Involved because I love Jamie and Jeremy as couple and it was interesting to see how their relationship played out.
I really enjoyed the storyline between Clay and Elena, if I recall, they were probably the first werewolf stories that I ever read, and totally got me hooked on the genre. Their books, Biten and Stolen are still on my favorite's shelf.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
My favorite book of Kelley's is Bitten because it is what got me into the paranormal reading. I just love all of her characters. They all are real with real faults.
My favorite book in the Women of the Otherworld series was Bitten. Not only was the story compelling, but I loved Elena as a narrator. The supporting cast was great and Elena's complicated relationship with Clay was amazing. Although I love all of the narrators and each book is a favorite of mine in one way or another, Bitten caused me to look forward to every book narrated by Elena even more than the others. :)
Oh, and I shared this contest on Twitter!: https://twitter.com/brittany_silva/status/19596731067
My Email: brittany.silva08@gmail.com
(Sorry about deleting and commenting again, but I forgot to add my email. Oops!)
My favorite book--so far!--would have to be Bitten. Yes, #1. I just loved the story line so much. Elena was one of the first heroines I actually liked a lot and could get absorbed in her world.
Looking forward to Savannah's book though!
My favorite is definitely Men of the Otherworld, since it contains most of the short stories that got me hooked on Kelley!
saramwrap AT livejournal DOT com
My favorite book by Kelly would have to be between Bitten and Frostbitten. Bitten because it got me hooked on Kelly's book. Frostbitten because I love the interaction between Elena and Clay.
shared on Facebook
Shared on Twitter
I loved the Men of the Otherworld anthology because I love getting glimpses into the male characters as well!
Kelley is a new for me author, i haven't read any of her books.
i tweeted : http://twitter.com/becunique/status/19623148269
SO far I like the Summoning best. I'd like to read some of her other series.
it is very hard to pick a favorite book. bitten is way up there, but i also very much enjoyed her YA series. basically anything by kelley armstrong is a must read for me!
Dime Store Magic because it was my introduction to Kelly's works.
the bitten books are great
I read Frostbitten not too long ago and thought it was wonderful!
Bitten is definitely my favourite book. I absolutely loved how Kelley gradually peeled back the layers of Clay and Elena's tumultuous relationship, and how you don't know why she acts the way she does and feels the way she feels about him until pretty much a 1/3rd into the book. Also, I find the introduction to the world, and the characters for the first time one of the most interesting parts of any series, and the fact that Bitten is set in my hometown definitely doesn't hurt. It's so cool to mentally follow Elena to work as she takes the subway or goes somewhere with Clay.
I am embarrassed to say that I don't have a favorite yet, but her books are on my wish list!
meredithfl at gmail dot com
I think my favorite is Personal Demon, simply because I adore Karl and think hope is the perfect woman/demon for him ;-)
I really enjoyed the whole series - so, of course I am going to say Bitten. Where we first learn about Elena.
Bitten is my favorite because it was one of the first werewolf book I read.
The Summoning is my favorite. It is a great series and it is interesting since it is about teens dealing with their powers
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
My favorite is Bitten, because that is the first one I read and it got me hooked.
Twitter post: http://twitter.com/Carmen_R/status/19812957962
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=586581099&v=wall&story_fbid=143940455632795
Myspace post: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=46680621&blogId=537664277
hdtermite at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the fantastic interview and the great giveaway!!
My favourite is Bitten, I can re-read it every year and still enjoy it just as much as the first time. I LOVE Kelley's sarcastic, bitingly witty dialogues between Elena and Clay, makes me crack up :-D I alos love Beginnings!
+1 Posted on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000899165880&v=wall&story_fbid=114237171960664
+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Stella_ExLibris/status/19829653154
Thank you!
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
MY favorite book by Kelly is Exit Strategy because thats way the first book I read by and became a fan.
kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com
this is going to be a hard question to answer because there are no *bad books*
but if I had to choose I'd pick "Living with the Dead" because it was the first book I read and what got me hooked
I would have to pick Bitten as my favourite book.
Mind you the choice was easy as I've only read two of Kelley's books and that one wins because I love werewolves :D
Bitten!!! I love this book!!!
My favorite is Angelic. I enjoyed the different side of Eve.
bbricke AT yahoo DOT com
My Favorite is Living with the Dead (Women of the Otherworld, Book 9) This book was great, there were so many sub plots that it just kept you going...
Loved this book, couldn't put it down..
Each book of Kelley's that comes out is my favorite:-)
My favorite right now is
NO HUMANS ALLOWED. I fell for Jeremy from the start(Bitten) and Jamie and him are so good together. I'm sure if I was asked tomorrow, I would choose another:-)
Will always be tough to top Bitten in my opinion.
I think I would have to jopin what seems the majority and say Bitten would be my choice.
Thanks for the giveaway.
If it is open worldwide, then please enter me.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
There are quite a few of Kelley Armstrong's books that I enjoyed - much -
Favorite YA book is The Awakening
Favorites WoOW are Dimestore Magic and Haunted.
All are good books. :)
Linked the contest at rabidreader (sidebar)
"Bitten"; it was recommended by my neighbor!
The Summoning in the Darkest Powers series. I love this YA series. Just got The Awakening and The Reckoning and will be reading them soon.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
Exit Strategy is my favorite. I enjoyed the story and Nadia Stafford the main character. garrettsambo@aol.com
I loved Bitten-great plot-delicious writing! Thanks!
I like Bitten because of the characters and plot
I haven't read any of them yet, but Exit Strategy in on my TBR pile, and the person I got it from says her books are excellent.
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
def bitten :)
My favorite was Bitten because I couldn't put it down! I loved it!
I don't as yet have a favorite - I just got the Darkest Powers series and have been trying to win Waking the Witch. I also have just gotten Bitten. I am guessing that I will be chosing Bitten as my favorite.
Thanks for hosting - please enter me.
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