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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Author Interview & Contest with Artist Arthur

My second author guest this week is also a new author I discovered this year! Artist Arthur's debut Paranormal Young Adult novel is called Manifest and it has just hit the shelves! I was lucky enough to read and ARC of Manifest back in April and I didn't waste any time in contacting Artist and asking her onto the blog!

Enjoy reading the interview with the author and make sure you check the book out! Manifest was really good and I am looking forward to the next in the series. Oh and make sure you enter the contest! Artist is giving away some cool stuff!


Amber - Welcome to Amberkatze's Book Blog! It is great to have you here as a guest ! Could you start things off by telling my readers a little about your debut book, Manifest?

Artist - Manifest is the first book in the Mystyx series and takes readers through Krystal Bentley’s journey to acknowledging her clairvoyant powers and connecting with two other students who share the same birthmark as her and powers of their own. In addition to the supernatural power trying to take over her life Krystal is adjusting to living in a new, small town with her mother and her even newer step-father. She’s also crushing on the ghost who needs her help to find out who murdered him.

Amber - I have been lucky enough to read Manifest and really enjoyed it. How did you come up with the idea for the book? Was it a long process or did it just come to you?

Artist - It wasn’t a long process at all. My oldest daughter, who is fifteen, and I started brainstorming one morning. She tossed out character names and I gave them their powers. I knew I wanted to incorporate paranormal into my YA story, along with teen social and emotional issues. My daughter is very intrigued by weather patterns and I love Greek mythology. The rest, as they say, is history.

Amber - Are you like any of your characters? Or are any of your characters based on people you know?

Artist - I don’t think I’m personally like any of my characters. But there were a couple of teenagers in my life that definitely influenced the cast in the book. I sort of took traits from all of them to create the personalities of Jake, Sasha and Krystal.

Amber - You must have done a lot of research for the book? Especially on the weather. Did you do any other interesting research?

Artist - I have tons of books on Greek mythology because that’s just a deep interest of mine. The weather research was cool—the Weather Channel is not as boring as it looks.

Amber - Did you always wanted to be an author? Did you pick Young Adult or did it pick you?

Artist - Yes. For years it was my secret dream, then when I married I shared one of my stories with my husband. He liked it and that kind of gave me the push to keep writing. It was when my daughter was sick and I had to quit my job to stay at home and take care of her that I got serious about writing, perfecting my stories and submitting them to publishers.

I’ve been asked why I wrote a YA book a lot in the past months. I’ve been writing professionally for about seven years now (mainly romance). And while I thoroughly enjoy telling the story of men and women falling in love, I was often told that I should write for teens. A firm believer in signs, I took the advice from a notable editor, my little cousin, two young people in my church, and my Bishop’s wife and let it all marinate. Then one day my daughter said it and I was like okay.

As I do when I take on any new endeavor, I researched. By this I mean, reading lots of YA books to get a feel for what teenagers were interested in. When that wasn’t enough I began talking to teenagers, going to bookstores and standing in the young adult section just watching what they picked up and what they put back down. As I read I realized that the story I wanted to tell had to be different. I wanted teenagers of all ethnic backgrounds to have a character within my story that they could relate to. I also wanted the story to be well rounded, covering all aspects of a teenagers life, i.e., family, school, friends, life in general.

Amber - I am sure that being an author has its ups and downs. What experiences have you had so far?

Artist - I’ve had a lot of experiences that I’m so very thankful for. I’ve had the opportunity to travel to different states for conferences and meet lots of interesting people. The industry is not what I first dreamed, but now, years later, I realize it’s better—the rewards are so much more than just the payday.

Amber - What about the more supernatural elements of Manifest? Is that something you have always been interested in?

Artist - Yes, weirdo that I am, I have. Some powers that are billed as supernatural are just natural to some people. For instance, I know this woman who is very intuitive. Sometimes it’s almost scary how right she is in her predictions or assessments. I’ve always been interested in the differences among people, exploring supernatural elements just seems to be an extension of this examination.

Amber - Is Manifest the first in a series? When can we expect more?

Artist - Manifest is the first book in the Mystyx Series. Mystify is the second book and will be released in Feb 2011. At the moment the series is planned for five books.

Amber - What are you listening and watching lately? Is there any music or other media that influences your writing?

Artist - I’m a re-run junkie. I can never seem to stay awake long enough to watch shows during their original airing so I catch them in syndication. Currently I’m ensconced in Charmed, Bones, Law & Order and Angel.

I love to write to music. While I was writing Manifest I listened to Taylor Swift’s Fearless CD just about every day. Mystify had more of an adventurous and energetic feel so a lot of Lady Gaga, Rhianna, Black Eyed Peas.

Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you be and why?

Artist – A shapeshifter—not a feline, because I’m afraid of cats—but something more graceful like an eagle. I like shapeshifters because they have the ability to be two people, have two totally different personas built into one body. I think that’s cool.

Amber - Thank you for being a guest! Good luck for the book and come back soon!

Buy yourself a copy of Manifest at Bookdepository by using the banner below!
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Contest Time

Artist has two prizes to give away! That means there will be two lucky winners!

One of the prizes is a mouse pad and key-chain!

The other prize is a tote bad with books!! There are apparently 4 really cool YA novels in the bag but Artist is keeping them a surprise :)

How To Enter

What is your favourite weather? and why?

No weather = No Entry

Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.

Advertise Amberkatze's Book Blog on your site and get an extra entry for this and every other contest!

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You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.

Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com links/Banners below and around the site!

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The contest will stay open until Sunday 22nd of August 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.


Meredith said...

I like it around the mid-70's, sunny, with a slight breeze in the air. Just comfy.

I don't like being so hot that I'm sweating, and if it's too cold, it just hurts my nerves.

meredithfl at gmail dot com

Pamk said...

To watch I love storms with lightning. But my favorite weather is around 80 sunny and breezy preferably on a beach somewheres

Martha Lawson said...

Fall and spring! Not that we have much of either here in Mississippi!! Anything would be welcome after these weeks of 100+ temperatures.

I follow on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Van Pham said...
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Van Pham said...

I like it when it's cold and cloudy.

Llehn said...

I love a brilliantly hot day because then the day is full of outdoor possibilities.

LuAnn said...

I like it hot and dry. Does wonders for the arthritis!

reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com

debbie said...

I like it when it snows, and the trees are all glistening. It is really pretty.

D Q said...

I love the crisp coolness of fall weather.

Julie S said...

I'm most comfortable when it's somewhat warm and clear with little humidity. Maybe in the high 70s.


Anonymous said...

I love warm and mild weather with a breeze and no humidty. I don't like being real hot and sweaty and I dont like to have to wear alot of clothes. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

Ivy said...

This time last year I probably would have said a nice sunny summer day. However, with the heat index in the 100's that has changed.

Now, I would say a nice sunny spring day with temperature in the 70’s and a nice breeze every now and then.

Ina said...

I love rain :) it means I can cuddle and read a book all day long *g*

great interview - now I've to add some books to my wishlist.
greetings, Ina

inale87 at gmx dot at

Dovile said...

I like when it's warm and sunny, because then I can wear nice summer clothes and walk barefoot, but I don't like too hot weather.

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Katie said...

I love storms. The more wicked the better. I am the crazy person in the front yard watching the storms blow by.

Kayla :) said...

My favorite weather would have to be thunderstorms. I love thunder and lightning :)

kayla3194 at gmail dot com

Books Glorious Books said...

I love a warm spring day with a nice breeze...perfect weather to sit outside and read a book with a nice cup of tea which is what I really love to do!


Anonymous said...

For me, I can either go for a high 70s, low 80s, day with a nice breeze, or a rainy day, as long as it's not too cold and windy. Ever since I was a kid I couldn't pass up a walk in the rain, guess I still can't.

-Lisa B.
angel28140 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

Terri Dell said...

I love warm, sunny days the best as it is pouring rain here right now LOL

Beverly said...

I love mild, breezy, and around 70 degrees! I love the sunshine, but no so much heat. A hammock and a book with enough breeze to keep you cool. Thanks for hosting - please enter me. bsharp88@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I love autumn. The world is changing so much and the wind kind of blows all my sorrows away. I am not a summer person. I don't like the sun and the heat.

Sue Brandes said...

I love your book covers. Very pretty. My favorite weather is a nice soft steady rain. And about 60 degrees outside where I can have my front door open and listen to it. It is very calming to me. Like a waterfall.
Sue B

doreen lamoureux said...

I love Fall. Why? Because it is brisk and fresh and the colours of the the leaves are so beautiful. I especially love walking on bush lined trails. That's the best.


Facebook share

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

I love fall weather because it's never too hot or too cold, it's just right.


Unknown said...

I like it to be between 70-75 with a cool breeze.

Margaret said...

My favourite weather would always be when it rains. I love to see the tears falling and I'm not all that squeamish when there's thunder or lightning. I enjoy the coolness, and between that and the over 30-degrees celsius in my country the rainy season is a welcome salvation.

Thanks for a chance! :)


Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Mid 70's sunny with a light breeze. Perfect reading weather at the pool and can catch some sun while indulging in a great book.

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

throuthehaze said...

I love Fall weather. Just cold enough that you need a hoodie to be comfortable.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

SandyG265 said...

Sunny and in the low 80s. Its warm enough to do outdoor things without being to hot.

sgiden AT verizon.net

Rachel said...

I like crisp, cool autumn weather. Bright and sunny but cool enough to leave the windows and doors open. I miss this weather!


Kathy said...

I like hot - 105 degrees in the shade. Guess I've lived in Texas too long.

mariska said...

I like the weather after the rains. like now. it's so cold, cozy and fresh !

i tweeted : http://twitter.com/becunique/status/21632132935

Kimberly B. said...

I like it on the cool side of mild, especially when it's breezy. That's probably why fall is my favorite season--and also because it's warm enough for skirts, but cool enough for boots and sweaters!

Jessica Louise said...

My favorite time is twilight, just getting dark when all the night creatures come out. The slightests drizzle of rain and a big glowing moon. It's the best time to sit out on the porch and get away from everyone and thing to read a brilliant book. It's also a great time to write and think.

!- Tweeted -!

!- Facebooked -!

Thank you


Abhishek Duggal said...

Tropical Hawaii Weather - because it is perfect!

forsurveysonly at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like an "entertainment storm". Enough lightening and thunder and rain to be exciting but not enough for tornado warnings, then to have it linger on so I can hear the background of the rain while I read.


Tara W said...

I love late Spring and early Fall. I like when it's comfortable with a light jacket or sweater.

mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

Audra said...

I love to watch the storms roll in- i like weather in the mid 70's and a little breezy- Early Spring And fall

Anonymous said...

Rain! There's nothing better than rain...but only if I'm cozy and safe at home, perhaps with a cup of cocoa.

wookieecookie7 at sbcglobal dot net

Laurie T said...

For me there is something simply gorgeous about the first snowfall of winter--it's always special, almost magical, and makes me feel like a kid discovering the powdery stuff for the first time.


amp said...

For me the weather of fall in the Northeast is the best- warmer summer days with cool nights. I also am one of those weird people that actually like rainy days-the light rain/drizzle days, I enjoy walking in them.

saturdaynightfever said...

Summer Sunshine!


MannaB said...

My favorite weather is thunderstorms, I love the atmosphere and when you see the lightning that makes shapes rather than flashes.

Storm Safety Blog said...

I love a perfect spring day, when it's warm enough to wear short sleeves but not so hot that you sweat, with puffy white clouds floating through a brilliant blue sky, bird singing, and a song in my heart.

Louis H said...

november fog in the country side is darn pretty too

Dawn M. said...

Spring and Fall weather are my favorites...especially when it's stormy. There's nothing like the excitement of a good thunderstorm. :0)

librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My favorite weather is spring. It is not too hot or cold. Outside everything is coming to life. garrettsambo@aol.com

cman said...

I love sunny weather right after a storm.. I love the smell and the possibility of rainbows :)

Lesley said...

My favorite weather is when it's cold out,let's say between 20 and 30 degrees and the cupboards are full, the woodbox is stoked full and I have no reason to have to leave my nice warm house for the day....with a plate full of chocolate chip cookies hot and fresh from the oven and my 2 sons playing nicely together with NO fighting..... as long as it's not snowing so I don't even have to go out and snowblow or shovel!!

Valancia said...

My favorite weather is the winter time. I love seeing the pretty oure snow(provided I dont have to drive in it) and it's when Christmas time is and that's my Dearest time of the season.

Unknown said...

i love watching storms.so pretty

Kathy P said...

i love thunderstorms that is my favorite :)

/\Heather/\ said...

Soft rain, no lightning.
It's relaxing!

jellybelly82158 said...

I love it in the spring when it is sunny and about 75 degrees in the day time and in the 40's at night.
It is warm enough to go out in short sleeves in the day and cool enough to sleep good at nite.

jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com