Of course I e-mailed Molly to ask her about the book. I was even lucky enough to receive an ARC, which I thoroughly enjoyed despite the lack of anything Supernatural. So if you liked Molly's vampire books then read the interview and see why AND ONE LAST THING saw the light of day while Jane is busy sleeping until night comes around.
Oh and make sure you enter the contest. You may win a copy of AND ONE LAST THING! If you don't win then make sure you check out this new release. It really is worth it!
a guest again! Could you start things off by telling us a little about your new book 'And One Last Thing ...'?
Molly – AND ONE LAST THING… is the story of Lacey, who uses her husband’s company mailing list to send a mass e-mail to everyone they know, detailing the special brand of “administrative support” Mike’s assistant provides. Faster than you can say, “instant Snopes article,” Lacey is exiled from her tiny hometown in the wake of her widely forwarded, anti-adultery hissy fit.
Lacey takes shelter in a remote vacation cabin, which doesn’t thrill her grumpy, but oddly hot, neighbor, Monroe. Her magazine-perfect life in shambles, Lacey has to re-build from the ground up, including figuring out how to earn a living. When presented with the opportunity to write her woman-scorned divorce announcements for a living, will she follow a lucrative, but less than enlightened path? Will she ever figure out her relationship with Monroe, a man who tells her exactly what he’s thinking, instead of what she wants to hear? And will she ever resist saying that ONE… LAST… THING.
Amber - Wait, stop! Is she a vampire? Is he a werewolf? What? Confused!
Molly – Nope, she’s just a really confused human. Though, I’m pretty sure Mike calls her a few supernatural names, i.e., harpy, blood-sucking she-demon, evil witch…
Molly – Well, I was getting ready to go on maternity leave with our son, Carter, in late 2008. I’d just finished the fiftieth or so re-write on NICE GIRLS DON’T DATE DEAD MEN. (Seriously, my agent and editor deserve medals.) And I really wanted to write about people who could eat solid food and go out during the day. I pitched Lacey to my agent, who liked the idea. I believe her exact words were, “If you’re sure you can write and take a care of a baby, go for it.”
I had a lot of notes and scenes lined up before Carter was born. My mom says that when she thinks of Carter’s birth, she’ll always picture me lying on the couch, big as a house, waiting out contractions and reading passages of a bawdy divorce comedy out loud.
“Some mothers and daughters play cards while they wait for babies to be born,” she sighs. “We do this.”
While I was on leave, I fell into a really pleasant routine of writing while Carter was napping during the day. (Instead of, you know, sleeping, like a normal person.) It was probably the quickest book-writing period I’ve ever experienced – about three months.
Amber - So will you be sticking to 'chick-lit' or coming back to Urban Fantasy?

Amber - How did you come up with the idea for the 'And One Last Thing...'? Was it something you have been working on for a while or did it just come to you?
Molly – I’ll be honest. It started with a daydream about Hugh Jackman. Which is pretty darn good place to start anything. I had this scenario in my head in which a woman is arguing in a thunderstorm by a lake with a man who looks suspiciously like a non-mutton-chopped Wolverine. I built the first few chapters – the cheating, the e-mail, the fallout – from the question, “Well, why is she at the lake in the first place?” It’s sort of a backwards way to go about it, but I think it worked out.
Amber - Which genre do you prefer or are there other genres you want to explore in the future?
Molly - Like I said, I’ll always come back to paranormal romance. I’d like to try my hand at murder mysteries, but that kind of detailed plotting is not my strong suit. I tip my hand way too early, make my killer too obvious, and my red herrings are way too red. So it’s something I’ll have to work up to.
Amber - So what comes after 'And One Last Thing...'? More romantic comedy or more funny vampire librarians?
Molly – Actually, I have two werewolf romances coming out in March and April 2011. HOW TO TALK TO A NAKED WEREWOLF is about a woman named Mo who flees from Mississippi to Alaska to get away from her intrusive, hovering hippie parents. She gets a job, starts to build a life. She’s accepted by the locals, except for Cooper, the surly hunting guide seems to disappear every time there’s a full moon. Bear-trap injuries, nudity, and wacky antics ensue.
I just finished a first draft of the sequel. And I have a couple of non-paranormal ideas I’m pitching to my agent. I’ll probably start working on something new soon. I can’t stand going without writing for any prolonged period.
Amber - How do you pick the names for your characters? Do they have any special meanings?
Molly – With the vampire books, most of my characters’ names have meaning. Jane is a plain Jane. Gabriel, her savior, is named for an archangel. Zeb is my sister’s middle name. Jettie is a several-time-great ancestor I’m said to resemble. Dick Cheney was chosen because it just made me laugh.
With AND ONE LAST THING, the choices were a little more character-based. Though, I did choose Lacey, because that’s what my brother, Matt, would have been named if he was born a girl. It’s sort of a shout-out to my mom.
Amber - What are you listening and watching lately? Is there any music or other media that influences your writing?
Molly – I usually listen to music or watch TV when I’m writing. The Office, Castle and CSI: NY are my current favorites. Something about Gary Sinise being all science-y makes me happy.
I have vampire and werewolf playlists on my iPod to help me set the mood. (There’s a shameful amount of Evanescence.) But Lacey is all about the ladies’ power anthems. I’m thinking about posting the “Lacey playlist” from my iPod after the book comes out. Lots of Kelly Clarkson, Lady Gaga, and Pink. “So What?!” was practically Lacey’s theme song.

However, his experience working as a police officer is an inspiration for Monroe, specifically, because I wanted Monroe to be a former cop. The funny “on-the-job” stories Monroe tells, the occasionally gruff, no-nonsense demeanor, and of course, the sexiness- that’s all David.
Amber - If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you be and why?
Molly – I would want to be an Immortal, like Duncan McLeod. (Seriously, not aging, without the blood-drinking? Where’s the bad? Oh, so you have to duel to the death a few times, big woo.) Or I would want to be a bad-ass multi-talented psychic like Emma Frost or Jean Grey from the X-Men…. Which brings me right back around to my Hugh Jackman/Wolverine fixation…
Amber - Thanks for visiting Amberkatze's Book Blog again! Good luck with the new book! I know I will be recommending it! Paranormal or not ;)
Contest Time
Molly is giving away a signed copy of AND ONE LAST THING,
How To Enter
What Chick-Lit author would you like to see over in the Paranormal genre?
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The contest will stay open until Sunday 8th of August 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
Great interview! What chick-lit author would I like to see doing paranormal? The first name that came to mind was Jennifer Crusie - she can do snarky and witty so well! But I realize she's not necessarily chick-lit. So, my other thought is Mary Kay Andrews - also a great character writer.
I would like to see Sandra Hill do some paranormal I loved her time travel books and think she'd do a great vampire or zombie book
I think I'd love to see Helen Fielding write something like that cos she is so funny
I think Sophie Kinsella would be a fun one, I've enjoyed her stand alone novels, have not read the Shopaholics yet. Or maybe Kyra Davis, I think Anatoly would make a fine werewolf, or vampire!
Thanks for visiting us Molly, and thank you for the contest!
Mary Kay Andrews would be perfect for the paranormal genre. It would funny paranormal set in the South.
I think Sophie Kinsella would be great for this! I know she writes under another name as well, but can't remember the name or genre. But can you imagine - Shopaholic and Vampire?
I'd like to see Victoria Dahl do paranormal. She already does contemps and historicals and I think she could do a bad ass heroine really well.
I would love to see Lauen Weisberger do some paranormal. I mean with her sense of fashion she could rule the vamp world!!
I would like to see Kristen Higgins or Sophie Kinsella do some paranormals.
link - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2010/08/contest-links-for-81.html
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bacchus76 at myself dot com
I would love to see sophia kinsella write something paranormal.
i have to go with Sophie Kinsella
I agree with many people about Sophie Kinsella I think she is so great and would love to see her do something paranormal.
Great interview. I would like to see Penny Jordan do paranormal romances. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
I'd love to read a paranormal book by Emily Giffin.
Jennifer Weiner. I'm kind of laughing at the very thought of it. Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I think Alex Kava would do it up right in the paranormal genre.
Sophie Kinsella would be fun. I also like Meg Cabot alot, I think she already published a paranormal novel.
Jodi Picolt
Why not Sophie Kinsella.
egle dot mane at gmail dot com
how about Rachel Gibson? I really enjoyed her other books and it would be interesting to read something new by her...
greetings, Ina
Oh, sheesh - I'm not even sure I know acting chick-lit authors that aren't already paranormal.
The only one who comes to mind is Sophie Kinsella. Maybe the Shopaholic could go vampire?
Oh, wait. MaryJanice Davidson already did that.
Marian Keyes. She's incredibly funny!
Loved this interview. I don't read much chick lit. The last chick lit book that I read and liked was by Jane Green. So I'm going with Jane Green.
Thanks for the contest.
Thanks for the interview and giveaway!
I would like to see Sophie Kinsella doing paranormal chick lit! :-D lol
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Stella_ExLibris/status/20477470730
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stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
I agree with Sophie Kinsella. She'd rock.
I don't really read a lot of chick-lit. But as far as like contemp romance authors, I would love to see Susan Mallery do a paranormal.
That's a hard one. I think I'd like to see Hannah Tinti try her hand at paranormal. She'd be great at it because her books are really strange already.
Loved the interview. Thanks.
I would love to see Sophie Kinsella do paranormal. Maybe shopaholic meets a vamp:)
I tweeted http://twitter.com/bangersis/status/20559727917
I'd probably go with Jodi Picoilt
Sophie Kinsella!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I think Sophie Kinsella
it would be pretty amusing to see Nicholas Sparks write a paranormal book! : )
beckyspoolstra at gmail.com
I would like to see Michele Gorman write paranormal. I think she would be great. garrettsambo@aol.com
Janet Evanovich would be my choice. Thanks!
I think Sophie Kinsella would do a great job!
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