A diabolical pied piper comes to town in the the seventh installment of this hot paranormal mystery series. High school freshman Jessica Walsh is a virago, a woman warrior who must protect her hometown from danger. And in the unusual little town of Nightshade, California, trouble is always lurking.
At Nightshade’s Battle of the Bands, Jess’s boyfriend Dominic and his band Side Effects May Vary are up against Hamlin, a band so popular that their fans follow them everywhere. Soon, Nightshade’s musicians are doing risky, illegal and even fatal things—and claiming that strange music they heard right before falling asleep told them to do it. Could a diabolical pied piper be sabotaging the Battle of the Bands? It’s up to Jessica and her friends track down the tuneful tyrant.
My Thoughts :
My seventh trip to Nightside was again from the perspective of Jessica. Some of you may know her from the series as Daisy's neighbour but if you are up to date with the series you will know that she has taken the reins and is a Virago. This means that the town of Nightshade is under her watch. If something happens she knows about it and has to make sure the trouble doesn't get out of hand. Oh and with Nightshade being such a paranormal filled place it is very prone to trouble.
This time around the wonderful bands the series has always mentioned are the highlight of the story. With the Battle of the Bands taking place in Nightshade there is a lot going on. Jess even notices a few things happening that seem a little unusual even by Nightshade standards and tries her best to make sense of it all.
Expect some death, a lot of music, talking dolls and the Pied Piper. Yes it sounds like it could be an episode of Grimm, and could be, but this story is an unique as it comes. There are some extremely cool surprises as Jess and her friends find out what is really going on this time.
Another lovely trip to Nightshade completed! I can't wait to go back again and see what paranormal goodness the author has thought out for us next. Always interesting and exciting this is a series that the young and old will enjoy. It has something for everyone and the supernatural element is light and fun.
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