I confess that I have always been intrigued by ghost stories, vampires, werewolves, creatures from outer space – everything supernatural or Science Fiction.
From childhood I saw every “horror” film which came to my home town movie theatres. I still do but now I’m in Chicago where there are more theatres and more films!
But after 18 novels for Harlequin, Fawcett and Grand Central Publishing, I had never written about my secret fascination. Until now.
But what from the dark side should I write about?
My research led me to the Druids. When I read that the Druids knew about the stars -celestial movements - the forces of nature – held their rituals in groves and springs – performed sacrifices (perhaps even human) - had knowledge of the workings of reincarnation – believed debts incurred in one lifetime could be repaid in another – I knew I had the “old pagan gods” of my novel.
My heroine, Lady Elizabeth York, would be marked by, protected and given power by these gods.
I was thrilled and added even more sinister elements to heighten the danger to her and my hero, Will Grey, because of their forbidden love.
Here is the first time you meet Elizabeth, who is marked by this pagan magic.
On this day I shall begin a journey inevitable from the moment I was born on Midsummer Eve, Witches’ Night. My nursemaid, Cybil, proclaimed that I am marked as a child of magic.
Yet I am not a witch for the face of my beloved and what awaits me at journey’s end is shrouded from me by the veil of time. I know only that with him I shall scale peaks higher than my spirit could ever strive to reach alone and because of him, I shall descend into valleys which will try my soul.
My old nursemaid warned me of danger should my choices not be wise as she coiled around my hips the celestial girdle spun of gold into mesh studded with rubies, pearls, emeralds, sapphires, and delicate chains of diamond stars hung by jeweled, golden crescents of the waxing moon. Hidden within its chains is a tiny dagger. It is said the old pagan gods forged this girdle to protect the Wharton women from all evil.
I hope you are so intrigued by this glimpse into my walk on the dark side that you wish to know what happens in WRITTEN IN THE STARS!
About Written in the Stars
“A passionate tale of destiny, danger and dark magic—and a love so powerful that it conquers time.” Mary Jo Putney, New York Times Bestselling Author.
‘A love so deep that it can last through centuries?
In 1601, Lady Elizabeth York’s star-shaped birthmark proclaims her a child of magic. When she arrives at Dunham Castle to marry Carlyle, heir to the Duke of Lennox, but finds enchantment in the eyes and touch of Will Grey, the Duke’s bastard son. Bewitched by Elizabeth, Will defies all for their love, and his jilted half-brother places a curse on them both.
Searching for a treasure ship sunk long ago, present-day marine archeologist Cordelia Ward is pursued romantically by both salvager Innis Foley and treasure hunter Morgan Murphy. She is haunted by a murderous nightmare where one man is the killer and the other the victim, but which man is her enemy, which her soul’s mate? Can a journal that belonged to her ancestress, Lady Elizabeth York show her the answers…in time to save her true love?
Chased by evil, two women discover their own magic to fight the villain’s curse on the Posey rings that draw them to the men they are destined to love.
About Sherrill Bodine
I’m sure growing up in my grandmother’s house, taking care of my developmentally disabled mother, forged who I am, but I don’t believe any one thing defines me. My philosophy of life is that we are all in this together—and we need to embrace one another with as much grace, humor and compassion as we can muster. I see life as big, bigger, biggest, and I want to take everyone along with me on the journey. I not only attend black-tie affairs and work on charity board projects, but I am also just as likely to be taking a grandchild to lunch and a movie. I’m happily married to John, with whom I eloped when I was an 18-year-old freshman in college. It was quite the scandal. We have four beautiful children and 11 grandchildren.
I won my first writing award in the seventh grade in a statewide essay contest about a television broadcast of Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates. Instead of Silver Skates, they sent real skates, which I enjoyed immensely. I’m only sorry I don’t still have them so they could hang in my office.
While moving 22 times across the country and rearing our children, I sold stories to Fate Magazine, Home Life Magazine and True Confessions. In 1988, I sold my first novel and a week later received a two-book contract from Fawcett. Sixteen novels later, I’ve seen The Other Amanda win the Wisconsin Romance Writers of America Write Touch Readers’ Award and Talk of the Town chosen by Cosmopolitan magazine as its “Red Hot Read” for February 2009.
Sherrill is also known as Lynn Leslie and Leslie Lynn
Written in the Stars
The Giveaway
Sherrill, I love your post, and I'm SO excited about WRITTEN IN THE STARS! Congratulations on the wonderful reviews! (Same to Patricia, too!)
Nancy Haddock
Thanks, Nancy! After these great reviews I hope readers buy the book!
xoxo Sherrill
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