So here is a quick post to let you all know what is next on the list. From the very long list....
Currently Listening :

My review for the 'The Heist' will be posted asap. In a nutshell : I enjoyed it and wonder how the series will continue. Therefore I am quite eager to continue with the books which made my decision to pick up this sequel all that more easier.
If you are a Stephanie Plum fan then this series may surprise you a little. There is that Evanovich feel to the story but I think Goldberg had more of a hand in this one.
The Paper Magician was original and unusual but this sequel will definitely decide if I want to spend more time with the series. It wasn't a bad debut but I won't be wasting my time reading something that isn't wowing me. I have way too many other books to read and not enough time to waste.
The Dreaded 'To Be Read' Pile :
There are a few books on this list that are ARC's I need to read and review but because they don't release for another couple of months/weeks.
Anyone paying attention will notice that this list has gotten longer and most of the books from last time are still on here. I am a naughty person and keep reading the new stuff and neglecting the old stuff!
Lol Amber, that TBR doesn't change much. Please try Stormwalker this year.
I hope you enjoy THE CHASE... and THE JOB, too! (There are also two novellas, PROS & CONS and THE SHELL GAME).
@ Aurian : I know! I am trying!!!
@ Lee : Thank you for taking the time to come visit! I already read the two novellas ;) Great series so far ;)
So far? Uh-Oh. I see the bar being raises. We better step up our game :-)
Well if Fox & O'Hare get it on..... ;)
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