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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Author Interview & Contest with Maria V. Snyder

Well the title is a little deceiving. So if you want to see what Maria has to say then visit her interview from earlier on this year because this interview is actually with Opal. If you don't know who Opal is then you haven't yet come across the 'Glass' series written by Maria.

The Study series followed Yelena but the Glass series follows glass maker Opal. Her life isn't easy and she doesn't make things easy for herself sometimes. However she is up on my favourite characters list and I am really pleased that she let me ask her a few questions while Maria was busy somewhere else ;)

So enjoy getting to know Opal and make sure you enter the contest for the chance to win one of Maria's amazing books!


Amber - I would like you all to give a warm welcome to Opal! Thank you for being a guest here on Amberkatze's Book Blog! I know who you are but I am sure alot of my readers have yet to meet you. Maybe you can start things off by introducing yourself?

Opal - Hello! Thank you for inviting me to your book blog! I'm Opal Cowan and I'm a glass magician. My adventures so far have been chronicled in two books, STORM GLASS and SEA GLASS. I'm sure you can tell from those titles that glass is my thing. In fact, I need glass in my hands to work my magic. I can trap magic into glass and those little glass messengers have become vital in Sitia. Magicians can now communicate long distances with my messengers. If you don't want to know what happens is STORM GLASS - don't read the next sentence! I'm currently dating a Stormdancer and he makes my heart feel like it's in a hot season heat wave! I'm also dealing with two other guys who are making my life difficult.

Amber - I would love to have your glass making abilities. You have a very special gift. Did you always want to work with glass? Can you ever see yourself giving up your work?

Opal - Working with glass was a matter of need, not want. I grew up in my family's glass factory and couldn't wait until I was tall enough to gather the molten glass onto a pontil iron. As for giving up my work, recent events have left me rather unsettled and I need some down time to figure out what to do next.

Amber - You recently spent alot of time traveling with Janco. What was that like?

Opal - Janco is a pain in the butt! Traveling with him is like being on a small boat in rough waters. Up and down and up and down and up and down until you're either ready to throw up or can't see straight! But he's also a lovable goof ball. And when we were in danger, his skills saved us many times. (Please don't tell him that or he'll be obnoxious and impossible to live with - of course, I could mention a man named Ox and his whip....).

Amber - Do you miss your family? I know you see your sister Mara but it must be hard to live away from your parents.

Opal - It is hard, but truthfully my mother can drive me crazy. And I need to be out on my own and see where I belong.

Amber - You are friends with Yelena from the Study books. What is she really like? She is the same as in her stories?

Opal - She is really rude and nasty and has to be the center of attention all the time...just kidding! She's exactly the same. Almost perfect, except the whole not being able to light a fire thing, and the run into a situation without thinking thing... and she tends to mother me on occasion. Also she's too nice and political - if I had her powers, I wouldn't listen to Councilor Cloud Mist's lecture on proper mining techniques. Oh no - I'd make that guy fall asleep during his own presentation!

Amber - Is there any juicy gossip you can tell us about the other characters you mention in your books?

Opal - Oh I have a ton of gossip. Leif in the kitchen... and that time Janco disguised himself as a woman and Ari actually... and when Kade met Councilor Krystal... and the story about Yelena and Kiki with her bat... I can't forget Nic and Eve's trip to the dump... Just too many to count! Unfortunately, if I told you more, I would get into trouble. These people know how to fight, and they are armed all the time. Would you risk it? I think not.

Amber - What is next? Do you have any plans for your future?

Opal - Well I don't want to give anything away - Maria says the publisher wouldn't be happy if I did. However, I've been hanging with Valek a lot and I have a pretty important item to acquire. Plus I need to decide on my love life in a major way! And the Council and I need to settle things.

Amber - You played the main role in Storm Glass and Sea Glass. Will you be sharing any more of your adventures with us?

Opal - Yes, I'm currently telling Maria about my latest adventures. She says the book titled, SPY GLASS will be out in September 2010.

Amber - What is it like working with Maria? Do you think she does a good job of writing about your adventures?

Opal - I love her and hate her at the same time! Do you know what I mean? Collaborating with Maria is kind of cathartic. I'll tell her a few details, but she starts asking me all these questions and wants me to describe everything. I mean, come on! When I'm fighting a bad guy, I don't really have time to notice what he's wearing or his eye color for sand's sake! But then I do remember and she digs deep until I'm spilling my guts to her, telling her the horrors I endured. I feel better afterward, but it's tough.

Amber - You have been really busy lately and you must be exhausted! What do you like to do to relax?

Opal - Riding Quartz is always relaxing. And I would love to spend some time on the beach and just lay in the sun without any worries or problems. Maybe dip my feet in the water, go for a stroll.

Amber - Thank you for being a guest on Amberkatze's Book Blog. I hope you will visit us again sometime!

Opal - You're very welcome! I'd love to come back :>


Contest Time!

I am giving away one of Maria's Books - Your choice! That way you can discover the series from the beginning or get the book you are missing!

So to enter the contest all you have to do is let us know what you are reading at the moment! Feel free to give it a thumbs up or down!

No Book = No entry!

The usual rules apply!

Earn another entry for each place you link this contest on the net. Make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries!

You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

I can offer more prizes if my Amazon Associates account gets more money!! So please make sure you order at Amazon.com through the links around the site and help keep the contest coming!

The contest will stay open until Wednesday 30th of September 2009 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.

If you are claiming a prize, have emailed me and have not heard back before the 7 day limit is up then post a comment here on the blog. Your email may get sucked into my spam filter.


Krista said...

I'm reading The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie and so far so good!

Please enter me

Krista @Life or Something Like it...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great interview!
Is Maria on Twitter?
I searched but couldn't find her.
I love the Opal, she's a great character.
I just finished ROSEMARY AND RUE by Seanan McGuire and I give it 2 thumbs up. I was sad to reach the end and eager for the next book!
I am reading VANISHED by Joe Finder and it is a great read so far.
All the best,

Carmen R said...

I'm reading Biting The Bullet by jennifer rardin and I'm liking it so far.

hdtermite (at) yahoo (dot) com

Kimberly B. said...

I am reading My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent. But I just finished Rosemary and Rue and I concur with R.K. Charron's verdict on it---it's great!

Jo said...

Awesome interview!

I just finished reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, and it was fantastic! Currently reading Heat Stroke by Rachel Caine, but I'm litrally a few pages in, so I don't know if it's good - however, Caine is always good!

I tweeted about this contest:

I linked to this contest in the contest sections of both my blogs, right sidebars:


tetewa said...

I'm currently reading Seduced by Darkness by Delilah Devlin, this one is HOT!

Tynga said...

Thanks for stopping by Maria!
and thaks to both of you for that great giveaway!
I own Storm Glass and Poison Study right now, So I would Love to win Magic Study!

I am curently reading My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent and I love it!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Another Faust and enjoying it. I would like a chance to win Magic Study.


SusiSunshine said...

I'm reading Doomsday Can Wait by Lori Handeland at the moment and I really like it. Very funny and witty!

Angiegirl said...

Thanks for this great giveaway! Please enter me. I'm currently reading ON THE EDGE by Ilona Andrews. Very good!

Blodeuedd said...

I am reading Dead as a Doornail by C. Harris at the moment, going through the series.

Great contest, I have the first Study book, but yet to read it. So I am in

Anonymous said...

Right now I am reading "Notes from the Hyena's Belly" by Nega Mezlekia and I give it the thumbs up!!

Karen W. said...

Thanks for the interview. I'm a big fan of Maria's books!

I'm currently reading HAPPINESS KEY by Emilie Richards. I'm not loving it, but I am liking it.

Asylumgirl said...

I'm reading Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. I just started, so I can't say anything one way or the other.

deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

Vickie said...

BOCD in the car: MISSING YOU: 1-800-Where-r-you series - Meg Cabot, super

Purse book: DIM SUM DEAD - Jerrilyn Farmer, cozy mystery, very entertaining

Bedside book: STAYING DEAD: The Retrievers - Laura Anne Gilman, paranormal mystery that kicks butt!

Ellz said...

I am reading Thirst by Christopher pike. It is ok, some of it makes me daydream. And it doesn't hold my attention like i would like, but...I am going to finish it.

Great giveaway.

Van Pham said...

I just finished MARK OF THE DEMON by Diana Rowland yesterday, and it was really good. She blends the world of fbi/detective with the paranormal. I give this book two thumbs up, if you love UF/PF than this is the book for you. I am currently reading Midnight's Daughter by Karen Chance, don't know how it is yet because i am only 5 pages in :).

Great Interview and Contest!

Llehn said...

I am currently reading The Gift (John Constantine) by Mike Carey. Mr. Carey sure knows how to hook readers in!

Cherie J said...

I just finished reading Branded by Fire and loved it. Definitely thumbs up. Please enter me in the contest. I loved Maria's Study series and have been looking forward to the Glass series. Thank you!


Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Right now I am reading Personal Demons by Stacia Kane and it's pretty interesting. Different, yet cool. Spunky characters!

I love Maria's books!! So fabulous!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Forgot to leave my email! Sorry!


KayeDean said...

I am reading The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks... so far it's good!

KayeDean said...

I also tweeted - http://twitter.com/LMsMeeMaw/status/4339876084

Anonymous said...

Great interview.Maria is a new author to me.

The book I'm reading now is-Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene frost


Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I've wanted to read one of Maria's books for a while now. Haven't had a chance to grab anything yet.

I'm reading The Sari Shop Widow by Shobhan Bantwal at the moment. It's pretty good so far =)

-I also posted a link to this giveaway on my sidebar!

Thanks so much

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

Pam said...

Right now I'm reading What the Body Remembers by Shauna Singh Baldwin. I really enjoyed another book of hers so was excited when this was selected by my book club as one of our selections but I'm struggling to get through it...

melacan at hotmail dot com

Caitlin Hoy said...

I'm reading Branded by Fire by Nalini Singh. I love the world she created in this series.


D Q said...

I'm reading Wicked By Any Other Name by Linda Wisdom. I am enjoying it very much.

Sweeter the berry said...

I'm reading the autographed book I just won and received in the mail yesterday,yay! It's called Biting The Bullet by Jennifer Rardin.

mrsshukra said...

Currently reading Eloisa James' A Duke of Her Own!


clynsg said...

Lost Souls by Lisa Jackson

clynsg at yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I am reading Kushiel's Chosen by Jacqueline Carey.


Erica G said...

I am reading The Imposter's Daughter. So far, so good. I just started it.

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

Rita M said...

Just finished The Strain (1st in a trilogy) by Guillermo Del Toro & Chuch Hogan - a whole new look at vampires! I am anxiously awaiting the next in the series.

LuAnn said...

I'm reading Between Me and the River by Carrie Host. It's a memoir of her battle with cancer.

reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com

Pat said...

I just finished Sea Glass and Storm Glass and LOVED them!!

mverno said...

the dead and the missing mverno@roadrunner.com

Rashda Khan said...

Maria is one of my favorite authors and I'd love to get my hands on Sea Glass.

The book I just finished reading is Fortune and Fate by Sharon Shinn. Definite thumbs up.

Curling up by the Fire said...

I'm currently The Last Herald Mage and so far it's been really interesting. I love how the author develops the characters.

Anonymous said...

I am reading Stopping at Slowyear by Frederick Pohl


slb3334 said...

I am reading a book called emergency room.

Dawn M. said...

I just finished reading Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater and loved it! Can't wait for the sequel. :0) Tonight, I start Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.

librarygrinch at gmail dot com

donnas said...

I am reading Tribute by Nora Roberts.

So far I have only read Poison Study but it was great. I am looking forward to the chance to get the second and continue the series.

Posted on the sidebar here: http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Carol EL said...

I'm reading The Blue Star which I won and it's really good. jelly15301@gmail.com

Froggy said...

+ 1 I am reading Midnight Brunch by Marta Acosta...just started it, loved book 1.

Please enter me, I would love to win Sea Glass!

+ 1 I added a link on my sidebar under contests! link below

A Blog with Bite!

Anonymous said...

I'm in the midst of C. E. Murphy's WALKING DEAD, Yasmine Galnoron's DEMON MISTRESS and Rachel Vincent's PREY.

All are really good but i don't want to finish them and have to wait many many months before I get to spend time with those friends again. If I let myself, I know I'd finish them all in a day

Posted link to here: http://twitter.com/Axisor/status/4369119190

Daelith said...

I just finished The Devil Inside by Jenna Black. Thumbs up on it.

Now reading Hot Target by Suzanne Brockmann. Too early to say which way the thumb is going to go on this one.

cheleooc at yahoo dot com

Maryse said...

I'm reading The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer

Anonymous said...

I just finished Beach House by Jane Green yesterday - two thumbs up! Great read!


Deborah Wellenstein said...

I am reading an advance copy of 9 Dragons by Michael Connelly. Yes, it's another Harry Bosch novel! I'm nearly done, and it does not disappoint. A must read!

Ashley said...

I've just started reading Kaleidoscope Eyes by Jen Bryant, so far I'm liking it.


demmi said...

send yourself roses my Kathleen Turner and it is good

Nina said...

I dont know if this is international, but i will give it a try :)
Iám reading Foute mannen (bad men) dutch book.

Please enter me

All This Silence... said...

I'm currently reading my History book. :/ But outside of that, I've started reading "Einstein's Dream". I don't remember the author's name because the book isn't mine and I don't have it handy at the moment. From what my friend said, it's a bout parallel universes, which excites me because I love the idea of there being a world or "universe" where I am completely happy; where everything is perfect!


wantsandwishes said...

I am reading A Rose for her Grave. It's good. It's a true crime story.

Anonymous said...

I'm currently reading "Prey" by Rachel Vincent.

Dot S.(ladeetdareads.wordpress.com) said...

I am reading Dark Celebration by Christine Feehan.
I just finished Secrets In The Shadows by Jenna Black.

Kelly g said...

I am reading The Third Option by Vince Flynn

kristina shields said...

I actally just finished reading 'Storm Glass' and really want the sequel, 'Sea Glass'. Right now I am currently reading a teen romance called 'So Inn Love'. It's pretty good so far.


Ina said...

I'm reading Ill Wind by Rachel Caine and I LOVE it!!!
The next book will be The Master by Jean Johnson (The Sons of Destiny Series) :)

~The Book Pixie said...

This is a terrific contest! I'm currently reading Betraying Season and it is very good! :D

+1 Book Blog sidebar: http://thebookpixie.blogspot.com/

+1 Photography blog sidebar: http://frombrianaspointofview.blogspot.com/

+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/thebookpixie/status/4424428944

Sent email to 3 friends and CC to you.


Barbara E. said...

I've just about finished reading Red-Headed Stepchild by Jaye Wells. An outstanding book with a different take on the vampire mythos. I love it!

Yan said...

Reading Ballad and just finished Lament by Maggie Stiefvater. Thumbs up so far :)

Unknown said...

I'm reading Embellish right now.

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Shared on Facebook


Unknown said...

Stumble - bridget3420

Unknown said...

Digg - bridget3420

Unknown said...




i am plowing my way thru a separate country and listing to craig ferguson tell me about his life so far. and that is all i am going to tell you...if you want to know more, you will just have to follow my blog...and that the truth!

booklover0226 said...

Tonight I'll start The Briar King by Greg Keyes.

Tracey D


I will be waiting to read

Book Butterfly (Kim) said...

I'd love to win Storm Glass.
Please enter me


Megan said...

I'm almost finished reading Deja Dead by Kathy Reichs. I like it so far. Please enter me. Thanks for the chance to win!


Misty said...

I just finished The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (huge thumbs up) and have started Witch Child by Celia Rees (so far, thumbs up).
And I LOVE Maria V. Snyder!


-.- said...

Currently reading Soulless by Gail Carriger.


~ Popin

ParaJunkee said...

I'm reading Wicked (Witch & Curse) by Nancy Holden. So far so good.

I've posted this on my sidebar. parajunkee.blogspot.com

parajunkee (@) gmail.com

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

Right now I am reading Storm Glass and LOVE it!!!

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

I tweeted http://twitter.com/theblindcupid/status/4464399769

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

I posted this on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/search/?init=srp&sfxp=&o=2048&q=Egmont+#/posted.php?id=1259591812&share_id=180068716424&comments=1#s180068716424

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

I follow your blog
I subscribe
I get your e-mail updates
I follow you on Twitter

Thanks for this chance to win this amazing book

I would choose Sea Glass if I were to win!!!

Kathy said...

I'm reading the second part of Robin Hobb's Farseer trilogy: Royal Assassin. I'm listening to Poison Study by Maria :)

I posted the contest on my blog http://kathyschaos.blogspot.com/2009/09/win-book-by-maria-snyder.html

Sarah G. said...

I am currently reading Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden.

Brooke said...

Currently reading The Darkest Whisper by Gena Showalter... Can't give a thumbs up or down since I'm still reading but seems good so far..

Nikki in Niagara said...

I'm reading The Child Thief by Brom (about half way through) and it's excellent!

Unknown said...

I just finished The Undaunted by Gerald N. Lund and I give it 2 thumbs WAY UP! I started into Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone for the hundredth time last night!

saturdaynightfever said...

Elizabeth Strout's "Olive Kitteridge" is an enjoyable read!


Charlotte said...

I'm reading The Tygrine Cat, by Inbali Iserles to myself, and Magic By the Lake, by Edward Eager, to my children!

Thanks for the great contest!

charlotteslibrary at gmail dot com

Marie (MUM) said...

Right now I'm reading The Mulberry Tree. It seems like it is gonna be pretty interesting.

+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/utah91960/status/4490619928


Terri Dell said...

I'm reading Cold Blooded by Lisa Jackson, I give it a BIG thumbs up

Smooshy said...

I'm reading The Valley of Horses! Thumbs Up!

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading sTORI Telling. Tori Spelling's first book. I liked it. Want to read Mommyhood now.

Cyd said...

I am reading Jennifer Rardin Another One Bites the Dust Thumb up.

packerfantimmy said...

I just started reading NutureShock.

dvice12 said...

Right now I'm reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Leslie said...

I'm rereading The Princess Bride.

cman said...

Gourmet Today

Simply Stacie said...

I am reading Quickie by James Patterson.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

lilyk said...

I am currently reading How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman.

Anonymous said...

I am reading Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran. I'm giving it a thumbs up. garrettsambo@aol.com

Unknown said...

I am reading Random Magic by Sasha Soren. Just started reading it, but so far it is a thumbs up.

+1 added to sidebar
