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Saturday, September 26, 2009

September Monthly Giveaway!

Every month, like last month, I let you all vote for which book you want to win! That means the winner will get the book with the most votes and not necessarily the book they voted for.

There are five books to choose from so vote away!

Mark of the Demon by Diana Rowland

Witch Craft by Caitlin Kittredge

Barely Bewitched by Kimberly Frost

Nice Girls Don't Date Dead Men by Molly Harper

Fade by Lisa McMann

How to enter the Monthly Giveaway

All you have to do to have your name put in the draw is to sign up for Amberkatze's Book Blog newsletter. Sign up and confirm your subscription and maybe your name will be picked as a winner!

If you already subscribed then you are also eligible to win this prize! Just make sure you confirmed your subscription and that the subscription is for this site and not for the old version!

This book is registered on Bookcrossing.com but you do not have to be a member to win this prize. I do not expect the winner to journal the book on bookcrossing or become a member of Bookcrossing. The book does have a sticker inside advertising Bookcrossing.

The winner will be picked on the 4th of October.

Use the form below to sign up for the newsletter!

Enter your email address:

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Oh and don't forget the Maria V. Snyder contest and Chloe Neill Contest!


Anonymous said...

Excellent giveaway contest!
Thank you.
All the best,

cait045 said...

Awesome contest. All the books are a good choice to win.

I am already subscripted to the newsletter.


LuAnn said...

I'd choose Barely Bewitched!

reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com
(I'm already a subscriber)

budletsmom said...

What a fun contest - all the books look great but I voted for Barely Bewitched.

I am already a subscriber.

budletsmom at yahoo dot com

Llehn said...

I'm going to go with Fade.

I just reconfirmed my subscription.

Carol EL said...

I'd pick Nice Girls Don't Date Dead Men by Molly Harper. New e-mail subscriber-jelly15301@gmail.com

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

Just signed up and confirmed my subscription to your newsletter.

I'm voting for Mark of the Demon by Diana Rowland.

Thanks for the contest!!

Tammy said...

I vote for Demon
I subsribed

latishajean said...

I voted for fade nice giveaway thank you!

latishajean said...

Im a subsrcibed too!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read and own Fade!
I'm a new subscriber. :)

Leslie said...

I've subscribed. Thanks for the giveaway.

demmi said...

i am a subscriber I picked witch craft con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

Kelly g said...

i subscribe

packerfantimmy said...

I am already a subscriber and I REALLY want to win this for my mother.

dispatcher_kristy said...

Subscribed to your newsletter..


Roseann K. said...

I voted for Fade. Love to read these. Thanks!

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

Any book would be great!

I am subscribed already.


Anonymous said...

Witch Craft by Caitlin Kittredge would be my choice.

KayeDean said...

I am already a subscriber - sandym204@gmail.com