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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

19) Unknown by Rachel Caine

The djinn Cassiel has been living among the humans and is starting to actually like them. She feels something for Weather Warden Luis Rocha but every time they get close to acting on their feelings, someone tries to kill them. It seems that whoever has been taking the Warden children doesn't want Cassiel and Luis getting too close.

Warden children are being kidnapped and used in someones fight against Cassiel and Luis. Luis himself wants to find his niece and Cassiel is set on helping him anyway she can. The mystery deepens but the trail is fresh. Will Cass and Luis find their way to the 'Ranch' where the children are being kept or will a traitor manage to them?

Unknown is book two in the Outcast Season series and is a spin-off of the Weather Warden series. Full of action this is one you really need to pay attention to because the book is in continuous motion. If you blink you could just miss something important and have to go back and start again.

I am still leaning towards the Weather Wardens and Joanne Baldwin being my favourite but the Outcast Cassiel is really fighting hard for my attention and love. Both series are amazing and that is all down to the author. Not only did Rachel Caine come up with the original Weather Warden series and this newer tie-in but she also writes the amazing Morganville Vampire series. A big huge thank you to the author for coming up with original and fresh great reads. I am a fan and will keep reading till the very end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the review! I'm eager to read her spin off series. Rachel can WRITE!
All the best,