Evil Dark, Justin's second installment in the Occult Crimes Unit Investigations, is out now! And like all of his books it is well worth every penny! If you haven't already had the pleasure of reading his work I highly recommend that you don't wait too much longer. You are missing a huge treat!
Justin managed to get me a copy of a never before released exclusive interview with Detective Stan Markowski, who stars in Evil Dark. I hope you enjoy it, buy Justin's books and enter this weeks contest! In that order ;)
This is the city -- Scranton, Pennsylvania. In a world where all the monsters from your nightmares -- ghouls, werewolves, vampires, demons -- really exist, Stan Markowski is the living answer to the question, "Who you gonna call?"
Sgt. Stan is a veteran detective on the Scranton Police Department's Occult Crimes Unit, and he has graciously agreed to sit down with Your Humble Correspondent for a friendly game of "Truth or Dare."
YHC: Okay, Stan, are you ready to begin?
SM: The department's Public Affairs Office says I hafta to do this -- so, yeah, I guess so.
YHC: Truth or dare?
SM: Truth
YHC: What made you to decide to become a cop?
SM: Ah, I got bored with college. I was a student at "Da U," which is what everybody around here calls the University of Scranton -- Go Royals! -- and decided that I wanted more excitement than I was getting in Theology 304, or one of those other classes.
YHC: Theology? Stan "the Man" Markowski was studying ... Theology?
SM: I wasn't majoring in it -- my major was Poli Sci. But we all had to take a bunch of philosophy and theology courses..?
YHC: Because "Da U" is a Jesuit university?
SM: You got it. Hey -- do you know how many Jesuits it takes to change a light bulb?
YHC: I know I'm gonna regret saying this, but -- how many?
SM: None. Inside five minutes, they'll talk you into changing it.
YHC: I should have known. Okay -- truth or dare?
SM: Aren't we supposed to, like, take turns with that stuff?
YHC: No, this is the way it's played.
SM: You sure?
YHC: Positive. So -- truth or dare?
SM: Truth.
YHC: How do you feel about vampires?
SM: That's complicated.
YHC: "That's complicated" isn't an acceptable response in "Truth or Dare," Stan.
SM: Okay, okay. I used to hate vampires -- I mean really hate 'em. Time was, I'd as soon stake a bloodsucker as look at him.
YHC: How come? I know that a lot of humans dislike vampires, just on general principles.
SM: No, with me, it was personal. Years ago, a vampire killed my wife.
YHC: I'm sorry to hear that. Did you ever find out which vampire was responsible?
YHC: I'm so sorry to hear that. Did you ever catch the vampire responsible?
SM: Yeah, I caught up with him.
YHC: And?
SM: Next question.
YHC: How did they come to join the ranks of the bloodsucking undead?
SM: Some guy named Gustainis wrote a book about it, called Hard Spell. You should read it.
YHC: There's another book about you, too, isn't there? Called Evil Dark?
SM Yeah -- you should read that one, too. And buy copies for all your friends -- I get royalties.
YHC: Okay, truth or dare?
SM: Truth.
YHC: How come you pick "Truth" every time?
SM: Are you kiddin' me? I pick "Dare," and then you say something like "Now lick my butthole."
YHC: I would never ask you to do something like that, Stan. But, just to be fair, I'll let you take a turn. Go ahead.
SM: Okay -- truth or dare?
YHC: Dare.
SM: Lick my butthole.
YHC: Sgt. Stan Markowski, thank you for playing "Truth or Dare" with us, today. We now return you to Amberkatze's regularly scheduled blog.
Occult Crimes Unit Investigations
#1 - Hard Spell
#2 - Evil Dark
Quincey Morris
#1 - Black Magic Woman
#2 - Evil Ways
#3 - Sympathy For The Devil
Guest Blog with Justin
Contest Details!
Justin is giving away a copy of his latest release Evil Dark. The winner can choose either a signed print copy, or a digital copy (either ePub or Mobi)
How To Enter
Who would you like to interview?
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Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.
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You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.
Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.
Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com and Amazon.com links/Banners below and around the site.

The contest will stay open until 4pm on Sunday 3rd June (Central European Time) and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
This is going to sound strange, but I'd love to interview someone truly evil, like Hitler or Stalin. I just can't figure out how they could be so warped.
I'd like to interview Gerard Butler because he could say anything and with that accent I'd could listen to him talk all day. :D I think he's really funny, so it would be a lot of fun to interview him.
I'd like to interview Dakota Cassidy. She has an awesome and snarky sense of humor
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GFC- Lisa Richards
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
I'd like to interview either Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain (famous for having his 20th Maine save Little Round Top in the Battle of Gettysburg during the US Civil War) or Richard Dawkins an evolutionary biologist.
I do like Barbara's idea of interviewing Gerard Butler; although my interview would mostly be drooling over him.
I'd like to interview one of the indians from the old west like Geronimo or Sitting Bull
Would think Jodi Picoult. My wife is just crazy about her books and would be nice to be a bit more about her ;)
Sherlock Holmes. Just seems like it would be interesting.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I would like to interview George Washington. I think it would be interesting to learn how he evolved from a loyal subject to a revolutionary, and would probably give a good picture of how others did the same.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
I would give just about anything to be able to interview Eleanor Roosevelt! (heck, even just to *meet* her!)
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would love to interview J R Ward about her Blackdagger Brotherhood Series. Thanks for the giveaway! Gale pgan427@yahoo.com
I would LOVE to interview John Green. I enjoyed every one of his books and I think that Vlogbrothers is just genius. It would be a dream come true for me :)
Nerd fighters :d
I twitted: https://twitter.com/missandramary/status/208886126583361537
Thanks for the contest.
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