When Sea Glass came out Maria visited! And when Fire Study came out Maria stopped by again! Now Maria has a new series out called Inside Out and I was very lucky and got to read it a few months ago.
Get to know Inside Out in the interview and if you are lucky you may even win a copy in the contest!
Just make sure you try at least one of Maria's Books because they are unforgettable and magical. I have got many a friend and family member addicted to them ;)
Maria - Thanks so much for having me back! Inside Out is about Trella. She lives in Inside, and she has a very jaded and hard view of her insular metal world. Along with thousands of other “scrubs” who live in the lower levels, she cleans the pipes and ducts that crisscross her world and keep them all alive.
In order to escape the noise and presence of so many scrubs, Trella prefers to be by herself in the ductwork. She has explored almost every region of Inside and has the ability to go to any level without being detected by the Pop Cops (Population Control Police). Because of her expertise, she is recruited by a prophet to seek a gateway to Outside. As she searches for the gateway, she’s pursued by Pop Cops, and upper level workers (those who control the government and mechanical systems), but she’s also aided by a few unlikely sources which make her realize she’s been a little too critical of her world.
Maria - A dream! I dreamt the whole story, the world, the characters, the Pop Cops, and even the twists! When I woke up, I wrote it all down before I could forget it. I haven't ever done that before and haven't since - I wish I could remember what I ate for dinner that night ;)
Amber - You have yet again managed to create an interesting new world for us readers to visit. Is there a reason why you write about fictional worlds instead of something based in the real world?
Maria - Yes, I like to set the rules and create new things. If I set a book in the real world, I would be limited. I did write a couple short stories set in the real world, but they both had paranormal elements so that was fun. I live in the real world, but I would rather play in another world :)
Maria - I remembered learning about base 10 in math - it was the easiest one to work with :) I also vividly remember my physics teacher lamenting over the fact the US hadn't adopted the metric system and she rattled off, "10 millimeters in a centimeter, 100 centimeters in a meter, 10 meters in a decimeter, 1000 meters in a kilometer. 12 inches in a foot, 5280 feet in a mile. Which one is easier to remember?" The metric system obviously. Later I thought why stick to using days and weeks and years based on Earth's rotation around the sun when there is no sun to mark the passing of time? So I decided to simplify and use base 10. The only problem with that was my readers would be confused when I said Trella was 1,514 weeks old (with one week = 100 hours) - if you use the 52 weeks/year with 168 hours in a week - she would be 29 years old -so I had to add an old measurement comment so my readers knew she was around 17 of our years old.
And I've always been confused as to why we have 7 days in a week and 12 months that are different lengths. Once around the sun is 365 days - so why can't we have a even number of days and months that match, with the last week being shorter or longer than the rest?
I also like to add that because Inside is more complicated than the real world, I posted maps of all four levels of Inside on my website. I was hoping my publisher would print them in the book, but they didn't. But they are excited about the book and have created a website just for it. On the website is a personality quiz to see what type of scrub job you're suited for, and a video book trailer for the book.
Maria - I enjoy doing research. I try and do as much hands on as possible, but with Inside Out, I had to do it all by book or the Internet so that wasn't as much fun. But I'm a stickler for accuracy and hate when I make mistakes so I tried to make the world of Inside as realistic as possible. My research looked into hydroponics and waste water treatment systems and air filters so my people could survive Inside.
Amber - How many more books will there be in the series? Are you working on any other projects you would like to tell us about? Will there be more Study/Glass world books?
Maria - Right now there will be two. I'm working on Outside In right now. It's coming out next January. When I finished Outside In, I'll have a better idea if I could write another one. After writing three books, I'm usually tapped out for new ideas and am tired of the story and characters. But I would like to continue both the Study and Glass series in the future. I just need a spark for an idea to get me excited about the characters and world again. I'm really enjoying writing the Study short stories and can see a collection of them in the future :)
Maria - I do look for special meanings. I also pick the names I like. One of the best things of being a writer is I get to name my characters and I don't have a husband arguing with me over them ;> I wrote an article all about naming characters and it's posted on my website.
Amber - What is the easiest and hardest part about being an author?
Maria - Hardest part is getting my butt in the chair and writing that first draft! Easiest is signing books and talking to my readers :)
Maria - Reading is relaxing and watching movies with my kids. I also play volleyball and have become addicted to Dance Dance Revolution on the Wii - it's a fun way to workout! My hobbies are photography and scrapbooking - unfortunately I have little time for scrapbooking and am so far behind it's ridiculous!
Amber - Alot of authors have 'soundtracks' for their books. Is there any music influenced Inside Out?
Maria - No. Before my dog passed away this summer, I never listened to music when I wrote - it was too distracting. But after she died, the house was so quiet (she snored!). Inside Out was already written before I started listening to music, and I began with classical otherwise I would listen to the song and not get any writing done.
Amber - What books have you read lately? Any must reads?
Maria - The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, Wicket Lovely, by Melissa Marr, and Glass Houses, by Rachel Caine (The first book in a series and I love this series!).
Maria - A vampire. I'm already a night owl - I write from 10 pm to 4 am. I like the idea of being relatively immortal, super strong and fast.
Amber - Thank you for visiting Amberkatze's Book Blog again! I hope you will come back for another visit in the future!
Maria - You're welcome! I'd love to come back again. It's always a pleasure hanging out with you and your followers :)
Contest Time
One lucky winner will get to win their choice of Maria V. Snyder book. So you can choose the new book Inside Out or complete your collection of the Study series.
How to Enter
Except reading...what other hobbies do you have?
No Hobbies - No Entry!
Earn more entries for each place you link this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries!
You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.
Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.
Keep the contests going by using the Amazon links below and around the site!
The contest will stay open until Sunday 25th of April 2010 4pm CET and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.
Good Luck!
I am a big fan of Maria's Study series and Glass series. I can't wait to read Inside Out.
One of my hobbies other than reading is scrapbooking. I have a scrapbook for everything. I love taking pictures but I feel photo albums are a little too plain for me.
I love making jewelry it helps pass time. I tried sewing once did'nt work out at all.
Oh I love her Glass series. I really want to read her new book
Is there other things than reading?! Lol, well I know that movies and tv is not a hobby but I like it
blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com
Other than reading I like to do different crafts like making things with perler beads.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Thank you for the interview and contest! If it is international, please enter me.
I like to draw and write very much. I love martial arts, too. But I can't do karate or judo anymore, because of physical problems.
Thank you!
Giada M.
fabgiada @ gmail.com
other than reading, i love to draw and to sew.
Other than reading, I like to go to amusement parks and also take photos. I enjoy quilting as well, but since I moved away from my sister (we used to quilt together), I haven't done too much of that lately.
I had seen Inside Out around the web, but this is the first time I actually read a description of the story. It sounds like a great book and I'd love to read it.
Reading is a big one, but I also enjoy running and photography.
there are hobbies other than reading??? If I had to pick something, it would be needlework especially embroidery and cross stitch.
Other than reading, I love to write. I'm currently polishing a YA manuscript for query. Wish me luck! Oh, and I'd really love to read the Glass series. I've heard great things about it.
-Lisa B.
angel28140 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
I can't say I have a lot of hobbies. While I would not say I am crafty, I do make Christmas tree ornements and advent calendars every year. I also enjoy following Duran Duran and the Manic Street Preachers when they are touring.
I haven't read any of the series nor your books yet :)
i'd really like to have the chance to win here.
My hobbies, Reading, traveling, now I love baking Cakes for my son and DH :D
i tweeted here : https://twitter.com/becunique/status/12427080251
uniquas at ymail dot com
Well, my other hobby besides reading is trying to take photos! I'm not very good at it, but I do love it!!
I would love to win this - the books look great.
I follow
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
great interview. I haven't had he pleasure of reading your books yet but they are on my wish list.
My other hobby is scrapbooking and taking pictures. I'd love to add traveling to that but only get to usually take one good trip per year. I keep adding places to the list of where i'd like to visit. some of those will have to wait till my kiddos are paid for lol.
Hello Maria! Thanks for visiting us! I have really enjoyed listening to the Study series read by Gabra Zackman, and have the Glass series on audio as well, really looking forward to those. I've always loved blown glass so the concept of magic in the glass is very intriguing!
Hobbies -- We discovered geocaching a couple of years ago and have fun doing that (global scavenger hunt using a gps geocaching.com can explain it way better than I can!) and also do a few crafts here and there, cross-stitch, crochet, and minimal knitting.
I would love to give Inside Out a try! Thanks Maria and Amber for the giveaway!
I love a leisurely walk.
Oooh, I'm a big Maria V. Snyder fan, and have gotten a lot of friends to read her, too! As for my hobbies, I love to write both fiction and poetry, I knit and make beaded jewelry, and I belly dance!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love going to yard sales and finding bargains.
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
Among other things I practise archery and crochet.
I enjoyed the interview, and seeing how much work and creativity went into writing Inside Out. Thanks!
Cooking is a hobby that I've had since I was a kid. I love trying new things when it comes to food. Especially baking!
I don't know if you'd call it a hobby, but I'm addicted to reality tv. I never miss'em.
Posted on twitter: http://twitter.com/Romantic73
posted on facebook.
I emailed 6 friends and you about the giveaway.
Other than reading I like to garden. Of course during the winter I get to read garden catelogs and books.
Besides reading I enjoy doing puzzles and going to thrift stores or garage sales. And going to a movie. Great interview and contest. Thank you.
Hi Maria, I enjoyed both of these series...other hobbies????
I don't know where to start. I read all the time but I'm not limited to only that. I also write.
As for hobbies...I do scrapbooking. I've done books for all my children and grandchildren.. I sew..I made a santa costume for my father-in-law at xmas, I also have a garden in the spring, I bake, and lets not forget fishing for trout. there are more but I think thats enough for now. I'm always busy with something.
Please enter me in the contest..
I'm going to try and post this to my blog I will leave the site address if i can get it tothe site.
Thank you for the interview.
Other than reading, I enjoy scrapbooking and paper crafts. I love making my own handmade greeting cards.
Other than reading I like playing computer games, writing, and cooking.
Other than reading, I do crosswords and I love to get outside and go hiking. I'm really excited to read this book.
I can hardly wait to read Inside Out. Other than reading, which is my favorite hobby, I love to visit old cemeteries, do cross-stitch and embroidery, and oil painting.
Reading really is the BIG hobby! But I do have other hobbies (of course!). I love to watch Korean TV dramas (I have one downloading now! Cinderella's Sister is great! I highly recommend it!). Kdramas are a nice big stress relief for me. The humor is similar to American humor (or at least more relatable to Americans, than say Japanese humor-blargh), and I am always guaranteed romance (and love triangles! Plenty of those!).
I tweeted
patronus89013 at yahoo dot com
Besides Reading, I'm an avid knitter and occasional crocheter.
Twitted here: http://twitter.com/wyvernfriend/status/12477375007
wyvernfriend at gmail dot com
Other than reading, I enjoy playing Plants vs. Zombies, swimming, sometimes writing, trying out new restaurants, watching movies, and having nerdy conversations about pop culture.
wookieecookie7 at sbcglobal dot net
My other hobbies besides reading is cross stitching, crocheting and quilting.
Shared on Facebook -
Tweeted here - jellybelly82158
I would love to read Inside Out. It looks awesome!!!
My other hobby is sports. I love football, and playing fantasy football at work is the best in the fall. A little friendly and fun competition. :)
twitter - http://twitter.com/Heatwave316/status/12491738473
facebook - http://www.facebook.com/#!/hcreely?ref=profile
I love, love, LOVE both the Study and Glass series. What a vibrant world! :D I can't wait for Inside Out.
I'm obsessed with video games. That's my biggest other hobby. I also love writing. :)
One of my hobbies other than reading is playing video games, watching movies, and I'm a big anime/manga fan.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jmspettoli/status/12528279570
Thanks for the great giveaway!
My other hobby besides reading, which I love!!!, is music. I love going to watch live bands play. Especially live local bands.
I have been wanting to read Maria's books:)
I tweeted http://twitter.com/bangersis/status/12550976179
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com
I don't have a lot of hobbies other than reading but I do enjoy being on the computer, watching tv, taking photos and some scrapbooking & quilting. I'm more of a dabbler than anything.
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
ooooh taking photos, i love it and when one turns out to be good (you know something you like to look at more than once) it's heaven!
I haven't read the Glass series, but I really enjoyed the Study series.
My biggest hobby, besides reading, is knitting
I love the study books and hope more come along.
I'm a hobby collector. I read, grow roses, cross stitch, quilt, and spend too much time playing facebook games.
Inside Out sounds really interesting.
Besides reading, I like to pretend to be a writer (lol) and I usually find myself editing my husband's masters papers. I've also dabbled in jewelry & I spend quite a bit of time behind my camera. : )
Thanks for this chance to win. I have Poison & Magic Study sitting in my TBR pile. Can't wait to get to them! And I really want to read Inside Out, I love dystopia/future novels.
ambience.of.rain {at} gmail.com
Reading would be my number one hobby, but since that doesn't count I would have to say crocheting. I'm not very good at it yet--I have progressed beyond scarves and a baby blanket, but it is something I enjoy. I also enjoy watching cooking shows and trying new recipes if that counts as a hobby. And I think blogging would count as one of my hobbies--I enjoy it.
I really want to read Maria Snyder's book so thank you very much for this contest:)
Aside from reading... well, I also love watching TV series and movies! When I'm not reading, I watch:D I also love listening to songs (I know, I'm a person who live a very "simple" life:))
My favorite hobbies in addition to reading are crocheting (in winter) and photography (year round). I just converted to digital, and learning the new system.
I first read Maria's book Poison Study, and couldn't wait for more adventures with Yelena. I can't wait to read Inside Out, and seeing Maria's take on another world setting.
My hobbies besides reading is travelling!, singing, writing, dancing and ice skating. I would also like to learn how to ride.
+1 I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/Stella_ExLibris/status/12599097966
+1 also spread the word on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000899165880&v=wall&story_fbid=111059232266863&ref=mf
thank you for making this international!!
stella.exlibris (at) gmail DOT com
i so want to read this! :)
other than reading? i love cooking, collecting movies, and exploring my hometown!
I own the study series and love them!
Hobbies... I play the viola. I also like to draw and create pottery on the wheel. But I don't have a lot of time to do that. Usually I'm always reading.
roxane.elder (at) gmail (dot) com
would love a chance to read the glass series.
besides reading, i like to knit. nothing fancy. just a long scarf with the same pattern.
vvb32 at yahoo.com
Thanks for your post - I really enjoyed reading it :)
one of my hobbies is painting where I can relax...
greetings, Ina
I adore Maria Snyder's Study series and have gotten many friends and customers interested in it as well!
When I'm not reading, you can find me making hair clips and other accessories with clay and feathers, scrap-booking, or volunteering with Nor Cal Beagle Rescue. nwonderlin @ gmail.com
Besides reading...
blogging, cross-stitching, spending time with my husband and son :-) Making cupcakes....
dukesangel002 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love the Study series!
Other then reading, i love photography, and exercising... well thats more of a life style. Umm, going to concerts and looking up dream meanings.
I can't wait to read Inside Out.
My other full time hobby is gardening in my yard where I have a dozen different places that you can stop for a rest and a read.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
Oh! This looks SO GOOD! Can't wait to read this.
I took my Personality Quiz and I apparently will make a perfect Maintenance Scrub since I am "a curious person who enjoys figuring out puzzles. Since you find satisfaction in working with your hands" Oh joy, I have a place in this world.
Hobbies other than reading...
Gardening, blogging my book reviews, photography, cross-stitch.
Watching TV!
I like doing crossword puzzles while watching TV. I'm also a big Rock music fan so I go to concerts when I can afford it or watch them on TV or the internet,
tweeted http://twitter.com/Ziggywag/status/12752841219
I do a lot of handwork (knitting, cross-stitch embroidery, quilting), usually when watching TV.
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
I love to write songs. That's my hobby. I have quite a few.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
Shared here:
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I sent you a cc when emailing a friend.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
hobbies: setting gems, knitting, crocheting, beadwork, cooking, etcetera
I hope that works for facebook where I posted
hobbies: setting gems, knitting, crocheting, beadwork, cooking, etcetera
I hope that works for facebook where I posted
oops - I guess I was supposed to leave this too:
I have several hobbies besides reading. I love to cross stitch but I also crochet and quilt.
jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com
I enjoy writing and doing origami as an alternative past time. I hope to be a fantasy author one day, and origami helps me improve my concentration.
Um, let's see, other than reading I also write, draw, watch movies or, you know, internet stuff like forums, Twitter and blogging.
...I need to work on the hobby front.
other than reading which is my first love, I knit, and knit
My other hobbies include cooking and baking. Currently I'm into making pizza and ice cream from scratch.
Alternate email from blogger:
magenta 2 red [at] gmail [dot] com
My hobbies are tennis (playing and watching), dancing and traveling.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/12816827534
Heh, I already own all of Ms Snyder's books except Inside Out (yes, including Spy Glass - I've preordered my copy) but I definitely wouldn't mind a chance to win a copy! :)
I'm not sure if these count as "hobbies" but apart from reading, I also love creative writing, going for walks (but not long walks on the beach... the sand sticks in my toes) and going to the gym!
Wait, no, I like having been to the gym. Knowing you've been good and gone to the gym is a much more satisfying feeling than when you're actually in there, exercising. :D
Thanks for the contest!
Haha whoops, didn't notice the contest had closed already. Sorry, my bad!
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