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Friday, October 25, 2013

140) A Charming Cure by Tonya Kappes

The Blurb :


Psychic June Heal's homeopathic cure shop, A Charming Cure, is the most popular shop in the unusual little town of Whispering Falls, Kentucky.

Cures and trouble...

June is about to learn she has more than psychic abilities when she attends Hidden Hall, A Spiritualist University, leaving her shop in the hands of handsome sheriff Oscar Park.
Hidden Hall has an internal war between the Good-Siders and the Dark-Siders, putting June in the middle.

Magic stirs...

Hidden Hall is riddled with every type of spiritualist. Magic is lurking around every corner, even black-magic.
Unfortunately, the Ultimate Spell gets into the wrong hands. But it is only discovered after a few spiritualists go missing or end up poisoned to death.

And troubles double...

Madam Torres, June's crystal ball, reveals that A Charming Cure is in shambles along with the rest of Whistpering Falls.

Will June figure out who has the Ultimate Spell and stop them before they destroy the entire spiritualist com

My Thoughts :

This book wasn't actually high on my 'to be read' pile but I am taking part in a Read-a-thon this weekend and I wanted something quick and easy to read for the first day.  I knew I wouldn't have much time to read today because of work and I was pretty sure this one would get read on the way to and from work with a little attention in the evening too.  I was right.  This one was read in no time at all.

I remember reading the first book in this series a few months back and I also remember not thinking too much of it.  I knew this sequel would be a make or break for me and I am sad to say A Charming Cure hasn't left me yearning for book #3.  If anything I am ready to stay away from this series and leave it be.

There are a lot of reasons why I am going to be giving the series a wide berth.  Firstly, I am not too impressed with the writing style.  It is all a little erratic at times and I found it hard to follow who was who.  Also the story feels like it always has parts missing.  A total 'meh' when reading.  Secondly, the story is so weak.  The concept is a good one but all the world building and characters are never given a chance to really develop.  There is no depth added to the whole special abilities and magic leaving the reader putting things together from quick snippets of information.

Thirdly, this second book went on a wild goose chase.  After getting June to Whispering Falls and setting her up she hardly has time to breathe before she is off to some kind of magic school for a few days.  Why only a few days?  Why take her away from everything she just found?  Why get June involved in something she shouldn't be able to deal with yet?  Lots more questions come to mind and I honestly don't see why this book moved the focus to a school.  The whole book felt more Young Adult than adult and even the characters were acting childish.

So all in all I have decided to stay away from this series.  It isn't for me.  I am sure other readers will enjoy this and I know it has gotten some good reviews.  However this supposedly quirky series, while very magical and unique, just isn't my cup of tea.  I may be tempted to try one of the authors other series in the future.

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Amberkatze's Book Blog


Aurian said...

Well, that is disappointing. I won't be rushing to read this series with so many others calling for my attention.

Unknown said...

I wish I had skipped it but it seemed a waste not to read the second one when I already had it.