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Monday, December 28, 2009

December Monthly Giveaway - The Best of 2009!

The December Monthly Giveaway is now open! This month the books on offer are some of my personal best reads of 2009. I read so many great books this year but these are just a couple I thought you all might be interested in. So make sure you go to the poll <--- and vote for the one you want to win or the one you think deserves to win!

Here is a little info about each book on offer. Just click on the book title and author to see my review -

Red-Headed Stepchild by Jaye Wells

Book of Shadows by Paula Brackston

Hotter After Midnight by Cynthia Eden

My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent

Retribution by Jeanne C. Stein

Would-Be Witch by Kimberly Frost

Hex in High Heels by Linda Wisdom

How does the monthly giveaway work?

Well in the sidebar <--- there is a poll. You vote for the book you would most like to win. I pick a name from the subscibers list and that person wins the book with the most votes. So you may not even win the book you voted for!

To subscribe to Amberkatze's Book Blog all you have to do is use the box in the sidebar <--- or at the bottom of this post. Everyone who is already subscribed will be entered in the contest as well as new subscribers. If you have not confirmed your email address then you will not be added to the draw!!! The winner will be announced on Sunday the 10th of January at 4pm. The poll will stay open for votes until 4pm on Friday 4th of December (all times are in Central European Time).

Enter your email address:

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For more chances to win -

Post about this giveaway somewhere on the internet eg. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc. Make sure you post the link here so I can confirm your extra entry.

Email your friends about this giveaway. Make sure you add my email address so I also get a copy and can confirm your extra entry. Amberkatzes_Book_Blog@gmx.eu

For more prizes -

I will draw more than one winner if I have enough money in the Amberkatze's Book Blog Amazon account. You can help fill this account by using one of the following links below to make your purchases on Amazon.com or Amazon.de


Abigail said...

the poll isn't working, but I linked this on the Contests & Giveaways section on my sidebar

and I will post this on my Win on Wed post


Vickie said...

I concur, the poll isn't working. I will check back later and vote. I am a subscriber, though, have been for some time. You are on my blog roll and one of my first stops each day.

Unknown said...

Sorry! I am so silly! Set the end date for the poll as 10th Jan 2009!!! So of course it was already closed ;)

Should work now though!

Sue Brandes said...

Thanks for the contest. Some great books on there.

deb c said...

I subscribed and voted in the poll.
There are some great books to win.

abfantom said...

I voted and I'm a subscriber. I'd like to win a book!

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Kathy said...

I voted and I already subscribe.

Pamk said...

great bunch of books. I would like to win Linda Wisdom. Love her books.

Pamk said...

forgot to say I voted and subsribed to your newsletter.

Vickie said...

Longtime subscriber and just now voted. Thanks for having this giveaway.

D Q said...

I voted and I'm already a subscriber.

Jen A said...

I voted and subscribed! I would love to win a book! Happy New Year Everyone!

Jen A said...

I posted on face book
and I tweeted it at jperallen

justpeachy36 said...


Please enter me in the giveaway. These look like some wonderful books.

Anonymous said...

pick ONE??????? geez u are cruel LOL

Anonymous said...

Red-Headed Stepchild by Jaye Wells

[Photo]Book of Shadows by Paula Brackston

Hotter After Midnight by Cynthia Eden

My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent

Retribution by Jeanne C. Stein

Would-Be Witch by Kimberly Frost

Karen said...

Great selection of books !!

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Ladytink_534 said...

I voted for Hex in High Heels.

deb c said...

I'm already subscribed and I voted for Redheaded Stepchild.

Mardel said...

I'm a subscriber - for a long time now.

Posted about your monthly contest in my sidebar at http://mardel-rabidreader.blogspot.com/


wan da siss le at ya ho o do tcom

erma said...

I'd like to have my soul to take.

Eva S said...

So many great books!

I voted and I'm a subscriber

booklover0226 said...

I think, I'm too late but I'll post, anyway!

It was hard to choose a book; they all sound great.

I'm a subscriber.

Tracey D
booklover0226 AT gmail DOT com

Periwinklegirl4 said...

I voted and subscribe.


Periwinklegirl4 said...

I sent my best friend an email and copied you on it!


Periwinklegirl4 said...

I'm so happy to tweet your contest!


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

I voted for Red Headed Stepchild and I subscribe to email already.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...



startrek said...

This is a great giveaway.
george ferris

cman said...

I subscribed :)