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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jennifer Estep's Favourites & Contest

One of my favourite authors is my guest this week!

Jennifer Estep writes the amazing Elemental Assassin's Series and the Mythos Academy books. Both are must reads, must buys and pre-orders for me!

By a Thread the sixth book in the Elemental Assassin's series comes out on the 28th of February and I was lucky enough to already get a copy and well...wow!!! You may have thought it was over but there are still enough bad guys for Gin to kill!

Of course I invited Jennifer on to the blog and seeing as she has become a regular guest I decided to try something different and ask about her 'Favourites'. So I hope you enjoy this new kind of interview and make sure you enter the contest at the bottom for your chance to win a copy of the new release!


Jennifer Estep's Favourties!

Favourite place to write?

JE: At my desk. Boring, I know. LOL.

Favourite book you wrote?

JE: In some ways, Karma Girl is my favorite book because it’s the first one that I had published. But I like all my books, especially when I type “The End” and finish writing them. That always gives me a sense of accomplishment and hope that folks have as much fun reading the book as I did writing it.

Favourite character in one of your books?

JE: Again, I like a lot of my characters, even some of my villains. But I would say the characters that are the most fun for me to write are the ones who are a little outrageous and over-the-top, like Finn from my Elemental Assassin series and Vic from my Mythos Academy series.

Favourite place to read?

JE: Curled up on the couch.

Favourite author?

JE: I couldn’t pick just one. I enjoy books by authors like Robin McKinley, Donald Westlake, Ian Fleming, David Eddings, and many, many others.

Favourite book (not written by yourself)?

JE: One of my favorite books is Beauty by Robin McKinley.

Favourite character from a book (not one of yours)?

JE: I like Beauty from the various versions of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale. Beauty is able to look past the Beast’s appearance to see what a good person he is deep down inside, and I think there’s something really special about that.

Favourite TV series?

JE: I like How I Met Your Mother, but I’m also enjoying Once Upon A Time, NCIS, Burn Notice, Leverage, Hawaii Five-0, and several others. Can you tell that I watch too much TV?

Favourite Film?

JE: One of my favorite films is The Princess Bride because it’s infinitely quotable. Inconceivable!

Favourite food?

JE: Cheese fries

Favourite drink?

JE: A strawberry cheesecake milkshake

Favourite music?

JE: I really like The Killers and musicians like Jimmy Buffett and Kelly Clarkson.

Favourite person?

JE: I would just say my family.

Favourite animal?

JE: I’m a dog person.

Favourite colour?

JE: Blue

Favourite vacation?

JE: Someplace with mountains.

Favourite holiday season?

JE: Thanksgiving, because it’s all about family, food, and football.

Favourite weather?

JE: Gray, rainy days because they’re perfect for curling up with a good book.

Favourite place to be?

JE: Curled up on the couch with a good book

Favourite thing to do to waste time?

JE: Surfing the Internet

Elemental Assassin's

#1 - Spider’s Bite
#2 - Web of Lies
#3 - Venom
#4 - Tangled Threads
#5 - Spider’s Revenge
#5.5 - Thread of Death
#6 - By a Thread
#7 - Widow’s Web (Due out in August)

Mythos Academy

#0.5 - First Frost
#1 - Touch of Frost
#1.5 - Halloween Frost (Inside 'Entangled')
#2 - Kiss of Frost
#3 - Dark Frost (Due out in May)
#4 - Crimson Frost (2013)


Contest Time!

US/Canada - Jennifer is giving away a copy of BY A THREAD to one lucky winner!

International - Winners Choice! I will send one lucky winner their choice of Jennifer Estep book (Elemental Assassin or Mythos series!)

How To Enter

Gin goes on holiday in By a Thread. Where are you going on holiday (or want to go...) this year?

No Answer = No Entry

'Please enter me' posts will NOT be counted as an entry

Earn more entries for each link you place about this contest on the net. You can post on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace but make sure you add links here for me to confirm your entries! However please do not make individual postings for each entry. Please post all your entries in one post.

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You can also earn extra entries by emailing your friends about the contest. Just make sure you send a copy of your email or receipt to me at Amberkatzes_book_blog at gmx dot net.

Make sure you post your links here so I can confirm your entries.

Keep the contests going by using the Bookdepository.com and Amazon.com links/Banners below and around the site.

Free Delivery on all Books at the Book Depository

The contest will stay open until 4pm on Sunday 4th March (Central European Time) and the winner will be picked by a randomizer. Entrants should check back to see if they have won. I do not hunt down winners and will pick new winners for any prizes not claimed within 7 days.


Birgit said...

I plan on going to Orlando this fall. I seriously need some Disney fun!!

Liked you on FB (Birgit Lehner)

Shared on FB: http://www.facebook.com/birgit.horvath.muck/posts/330603556976343

And I linked you on my blog too: http://the-book-garden.blogspot.com/p/austrian-and-german-book-bloggers.html

tetewa said...

I love going to warm places and have always wanted to vacation in Hawaii!

Victoria said...

we haven't been on vacation in a few years and I've been bugging the hubs about it big time. We were thinking of going to my favorite place (Amelia Island FL) but he's thinking of taking me with him to Scottsdale in mid March. He'll go golfing and I'll get massaged :).
Thank you :).


NoraA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NoraA said...

We are doing double duty for vacation this year. My partner got her MSn Ed. from Excelsior College up in Albany NY. We'll attend the Ceremony on a Friday and zip up to Lake George for a 6 day mini vacation. I'm really holding out for Halloween in Colonial Williamsburg later in the fall. Jenn, I love your books and would kill to own this one.



Lil said...

I am not planning on a holiday this year. We had saved hard for last year's family trip to France with the agreement that we would not take a holiday away from home for the next couple of years.

little lamb lst at yahoo dot com

Diane said...

A little town called Carleton Place; we like to visit places around us, within a few hours drive, to get to know our big province.

dsadler53 at yahoo dot ca

aew1982 said...

i am planning to go to pigeon forge, tn @ the beginning of the summer. its less than 20o miles from where i live. then, come the middle of July i will be going to visit my dad in Rehobeth Beach, Delaware. i cant wait. its gonna be so much fun. its nice when you ahve family that live at the beach!

Lizannstevens said...

I really want to go to Universal Studios to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Audra said...

I would love to take my kids to Universal Studios
I want BY A THREAD for my kindle fire

Beverly said...

I am hoping to get a chance to go on vacation - I would love to travel, but honestly, just having a week to sit at home reading would be amazing!
Thanks for hosting.

Pamk said...

I am going to cincinati for Lori Foster's getogeher in June and Atlanta for Dragoncon on labor day weekend. Not sure if we'll do a week long vacation. depends on what goes on at work and whether i have a job or not lol.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Jennifer is having some problems posting so here are the comments she wanted to share with you guys so far :

Birgit -- Orlando always seems to be a popular vacation spot.

Tetewa -- I've always wanted to go to Hawaii too.

Victoria -- Either one of those sounds like a fun vacation.

Nora -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying my books. And those both sound
like fun trips.

Lil -- I hope you had a good time in France. That's another place I
always thought would be interesting to visit.

Diane -- It can be fun to explore different towns close to where you live.

Aew -- Those both sound like fun trips. Since you're close to Pigeon Forge, you might want to check out Romfest:


It's going to be held in Gatlinburg this year.

Amy said...

I would love to go to Tahiti for vacation. It looks so nice and beautiful on those islands!

Sullivan McPig said...

If all goes well we'll be going on a citytrip to Berlin.

(International entry)

Cindy McCune said...

I would LOVE to go to France some day...I even took 2 years of French in hopes.

Kelly g said...

I would love to go to the beach, but probably just to IN to visit the in laws

SandyG265 said...

I think we're going to Pennsylvania this year.

sgiden at verizon.net

Laura said...

No specific plans for a vacation this year but would love to go to California.

Carl Scott said...

We have some guests coming in July and we're all going to take a trip to a little Mexican town on the Baja called San Felipe.
I tweeted about the contest.



Julie S said...

I want to go to Costa Rica this year :)

Anonymous said...

We are going to Walt Disney World this Friday thanks to my generous inlaws who are paying for everything. We have never been there. It should be a lot of fun. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

Aurian said...

Thanks for the interview, I like some of the same authors. And of course to curl up with a good book on the couch.

My vacation is in Berlin this year, at the Love Letter Convention, where I will be meeting some of my favourite authors! So looking forward to that!

auriansbooks at gmail dot com
follower, subscriber, and I have a link on my own blog to yours.

international entry

whitewolfreads said...

I've never been on a vacation (sad I know). But if I could go anywhere I would want to go to India.

Facebook like - Jessica Spettoli

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/whitewolfreads/status/174173835069886464

whitewolfreads AT gmail DOT com

clynsg said...

I would like to go to California--first because my daughter lives there and she has a horrible time getting off for vacations, and secondly, because there are still many scenic sights in the state that I have not yet seen.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

Cathy M said...

I am going on a Mexican cruise in May with my sisters. Seven blissful days of relaxing and eating great food, and mega sister bonding time. The best R & R ever!

fb as cathy macdonald

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Martha Lawson said...

We don't have any plans on a vacation this year! I would love to go back to St. Augustine, Florida and do more exploring there. Such a great old city.

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

More comments from Jennifer! She isn't having any luck posting here but she is reading!

Liz -- I'd think it would be cool to see all the Harry Potter stuff too.

Audra -- That sounds like it would be a fun trip.

Beverly -- Sometimes, staying at home can be more relaxing than going somewhere. I'd like to take a week off and just read too.

Pam -- I've heard a lot of good things about both of those events.

Amy -- I think Tahiti would be an interesting vacation spot too.

Sullivan -- That sounds like it would be a fun trip.

Cindy -- I think it would be fun to go to Paris.

Kelly -- I like beach trips too.

Sandy -- I went to Pittsburgh a few years ago and thought it was an interesting city.

Laura -- California would be a cool vacation spot.

Carl -- That sounds like a fun trip.

Julie -- Costa Rica looks like a pretty place to visit.

Tore -- That sounds like a fun trip.

Aurian -- Berlin and a book festival sound like a cool vacation.

Whitewolf -- I think India would be an interesting place to visit too.

Carol -- California does seem like it has tons of interesting things to
do and see.

Cathy -- That sounds like a fun trip.

Thanks for your interest in my books and happy reading.

Deirdre said...

I'm going to be going to County Cork this summer to a Knitting fun weekend with homebrew and bar-b-que.

Cheryl said...

I'll probably just end up going to my mom's house like I do every year and veg, read, see movies, horseback ride and go for runs in the middle of nowhere (I live in NYC, so I love getting away from all of the people and concrete). If I could go anywhere, I'd go to England on vacation.

And Tore, I'm so jealous...I always tell people Walt Disney World is the happiest place on earth! (Make use of the fast pass, assuming they still have it.)

I haven't read the Elemental Assassin series yet, but really like the Mythos Academy series.

Taylor Z said...

I plan to go to PA again this year. It's not really a vacaction, more of a huge move. But if i could go on vacation i'd want to go to Africa or Australia.

toni said...

Our next stop is australia and new zealand!

Anonymous said...

I have nothing planned, but thought about exploring my own country which one often tends to forget while striving for 'exotic' countries far away. A visit to France is an option, too.

CrystalGB said...

I love Jennifer's books. I would love to go to the beach this summer. :)

Nickie said...

This summer my boyfriend and I are planning to go to either Las Vegas or San Diego, CA. Neither one of us has been to either.

sienny said...

nowadays.. i want to go to the europe, just takin' a round trip there and try out the local culinary

Persephone said...

I usually visit mt grandparents in Tampa, Florida every spring. This year I am not planning on going, sadly. But me and the family may go to Nashville (I hope) this summer (any kind of road trip/rv-ing experience would be nice).

patronus89013 at yahoo dot com

Natalie @ Book Lovers Life said...

Thanks so much for the chance, Ive always wanted to go to Rome. I dont think Ill be going anywhere this year. Its hard with 4 small boys. We are saving till they are a little bigger and then we will go to Disney Land with them. Ill see Rome some day!!

Like on facebook Natalie Cleary

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katiz7 said...

I would love to go to Montana. I've always wanted to go there and possibly live there too. I want to see the mountains on one side and the open land on the other. :)

Cindy said...

I'll be spending time in Northwest Wisconsin...right on the Mississippi...I love it. It's so peaceful and quiet and relaxing...I get to spend a week with some of my favorite people...my famiy!!!

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Going on a cruise to Cancun
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alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com


Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

I'm saving for a trip to the US!!!! I was thinking Boston.... would love to!

aliasgirl at libero dot it

books first love said...

I am from Romania, I always went to the sea side on vacations, in my own country. I have some money put aside for the holiday but still not so much for me to go abroad. My dream is to go to England...and probably, hopefully, I will go there too but not this year. This year I will go to my boring sea side vacation..sigh :(
But maybe I'll win the book and I'll go in a special vacation..the one between the pages.
thanks for the chance.
Email: just.andreeam@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

More comments from Jennifer! Thank you for coming by and reading all the entries!

Martha -- I've heard that St. Augustine is a pretty place to visit.

Deirdre -- That sounds like a fun trip.

Cheryl -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying my Mythos Academy series.
Sometimes, it's more relaxing just to veg out for a while.

Taylor -- I've always wanted to visit Australia too.

Toni -- I've always wanted to go to both of those countries.

Kattefrue -- I think France would be an interesting place to visit.

Crystal -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying my books.

Nickie -- Both of those sound like fun places to visit.

Sienny -- A trip to Europe sounds like fun.

Marianna -- Hope you get to take a road trip.

Nat -- Rome would be an interesting place to visit.

Katiz -- Montana would be a cool place to visit.

Cindy -- That's cool that you will be spending time with family